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Voodoo – Brat\'s Plaything Author: Sonya Esperanto
(Added on Feb 24, 2006) (This month 48922 readers) (Total 52766 readers)
The plot of this story is that of a former superheroine and ex-member of a superhero team called WILDC.A.T.S., who once more ends up in her old profession: strip dancer. She was then hired by a spoiled English brat, whom she had turned on many occasions in the past, while a superheroine. Looks like Voodoo is in for some rough night.

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Reviewer: Mr. Pete (Edit) Rating: Feb 25, 2006
I'm always suspicious when one writer posts so many stories all at once, but I thought I'd give it chance. This time the story wasn't *that* bad, in fact, the basic idea was good. But the sentences were very short and choppy. And I liked the premise, except that if you're working as a stripper, you dance at the club. Verisimilitude... it's more important to me than to other people, and if you would have taken some time to think it through properly, I'm sure you could have arranged the scene as you described it. (BTW, I also don't know why she didn't just quit her job... there's tons of places to dance at.) (5/10)
Replied by: sonyaesperanto_15 (Edit) (Mar 7, 2006)
I just try to cut to the chase and not get too lengthy.
So what is so suspicious about a writer posting all her stories at once???
This is BDSM, right?
Why she didn't quit, was maybe because she was a dumb stripper and a dumb superheroine.
U ever wondered why she even let that brat tie her up and not even come up with some bullshit like, "You know this is against regulations to tie me up"
Replied by: Mr. Pete (Edit) (Jun 22, 2006)
Sorry for the delay in responding. The reason I was suspicious of such a mass posting of stories is because it suggests the possibility of a lot of stories written in a very short amount of time (consider Palladin!). When authors write quickly, they tend to neglect the little things that make the difference between an excellent story and a story based on a good idea that's not well-developed. For instance, consider what you said about the heroine being stupid. You're the author, so you could have developed the character so we would know that she's not too bright. It would have been erotic watching her agree to get cuffed (maybe wrongly thinking that she could break out with her super powers) and then see how helplessly she ends up having submit to the whims of that brat. You have the main idea, but not the finesse.

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