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Farewell My Panties Author: Eve Adorer
(Added on Mar 8, 2006) (This month 71033 readers) (Total 88770 readers)
In her own down-to-earth language, telling it as it was, Ima looks back at a life that developed from walking boring street beat patrol as a uniformed law-enforcement officer, to exciting undercover detective work, and then to her biggest case yet after becoming a private eye….

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Number of Ratings: 2
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Reviewer: Rabbit1 (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2006
Super story ---I really enjoyed it and look forward to many more stories from this grand author. (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2006
It is always a pleasure to take-in the wuzzing word-wizardry streaming out of Eve Adorer's quill. Some language purists will cast their eyes to the skies when tackling Eve's stories, but I am of the persuasion that the choice of the way a writer tells a story and the way he/she lets the characters express themselves, falls under the laws of "The Poet's Liberties"... Especially when all is put to paper in such an endearing fashion.
Eve Adorer's unique style, both in writing and profoundly enticing imagination, lifts either story from his/her hand, far above the rest of the pack.
Well done and thank you again for your fine contributions...
By the way, I was just wondering what other stories might take place at the city of Glasburgh...
JJ (10/10)

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