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Catherine\'s Punishment Author: johhnyboy
(Added on Mar 14, 2006) (This month 257898 readers) (Total 437173 readers)
a 42 mother is forced to submit to her schoolboy son\'s friends. Update true story with further chapters is interest is shown

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 27
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Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: happi (Edit) Rating: May 20, 2012
great story keep reading it good how you get the sisters hope they could be used by a load of teenagers and even friends keep up the stories great (10/10)

Reviewer: longsong (Edit) Rating: Jan 2, 2011
Excellent,loved it one of my fav stories here .BUT please try to update more frequently (10/10)

Reviewer: formula61 (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2010
Excellent content, the way you wrote the story the reader can almost "see" the scene unfolding. Loved reading it and look forward to all the other chapters! Thanks for sharing.
Rafael (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 27, 2009
Story is okay. Just a tad far-fetched. You shouldn't have taken youths to punish and torment Mrs. Dixon, but grown-ups. Story would have been much more believable.
JJ (7/10)

Reviewer: Ricco (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2008
Hi Johhnyboy
Excellent story, one of the best!
Please continue it and describe how Dan is going to dominate his sweet mommy!
Ricco (9/10)

Reviewer: Annamarie (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2008
Hi Johhnyboy,
I am a (quite pretty) female teacher and I found your story deliciously naughty.
I would be pleased if you could continue the story and first of all the tale of Dan and his sweet submissive mommy.
I imagine it would be simply great to imagine the ways he slowly re-arrange their relationship at home (she isn't allowed to sit anymore, she is always at his feet, he teacher her to kiss and lick his feet, till she just craves for snuffing at his smelly socks like they were ambrosia...
Please, be gentle, continue your masterpiece...
A naughty teacher
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Nov 19, 2008)
how could i not do so after such a request!

Reviewer: DomMaster2008 (Edit) Rating: Jun 11, 2008
One of the best stories..
looking fwd for the updates (10/10)
Replied by: johhny (Edit) (Jun 18, 2008)
many thanks for your support, makes it all worthwhile!

Reviewer: Rino (Edit) Rating: Jun 4, 2008
This is simply the coolest incest story ever written! Sorry for the other authors, but I have to say the truth: the erotic tension between Catherine and Dan is simply unique! To the author: please continue your master-piece! I really can't wait to read the continuation... (10/10)
Replied by: johhny (Edit) (Jun 6, 2008)
many thanks for the terrific reveiw, I shall continue and hope you enjoy the results

Reviewer: Willi (Edit) Rating: May 30, 2008
great story 10/10 hope you continued soon.
Can´t wait to read it.
Hope Sean whores her. (10/10)
Replied by: johhny (Edit) (Jun 6, 2008)
thanks for the great review, hope you enjoy the next part also
Replied by: Willi (Edit) (Jan 5, 2011)
Hi, sorry for my poor english.
Great story, please
-kick out the lesbian part...(Helen)
-it´s time to whore catherine out..
-to find an more evil "client" for vicky...
-please more explaining what vicky have to do..
-Peter only wants to make movies in incest...
please more fetish in that, maybe a bit more
This is my absolute fav story, please more more more...... GREAT!!!

Reviewer: Tallguy333 (Edit) Rating: Mar 25, 2008
Wow what a great story. Loved the plots and look forward to the next chapters in the story. Very interested in how things turn out between mother & son and wonder if duaghter will be brought into the story - maybe as a submissive slave to sean & tony but to dominate and humiliated her mother.
Dont leave it so long to continue 10/10 (10/10)
Replied by: johhny (Edit) (Apr 14, 2008)
many thanks, such comment makesthe wrting all the more enjoyable!

Reviewer: -Altair- (Edit) Rating: Aug 21, 2007
Soon the continuation of this excellent story ?
Excuse me for my poor English !
The continuation of this story is always also good: congratulations
However I have a small question : I thought that part 8 would develop the scene between Catherine and her son, but nothing !?
I hope that the next chapters will give a greater place to Dan and its plans to dominate her mother
Soon the continuation ?

Reviewer: carlo (Edit) Rating: Jun 28, 2007
I think to a story or film with protagonists mother and son.
The sexual imaginations, also the most perverse belong to the dark side of the human mind; the main point is not to exceed with the violence and the obscenity.
I think this is a very frequent erotic fantasy: many men have fantasies about then own wife in bondage scenery. Many boys during adolescence ages, have erotic fantasies about then own mother in bondage and perverse situations.
Unfortunately, often reality overcomes the most perverse imaginations, and write a story in realistic way to be useful to exorcize the evil and to stimulate the sexual imagination.
The Protagonists:
The mother, protagonist of the history is a beautiful lady, a typical housewife, mother of family, about 40 years old.
She is dressed as a classical mother She doesn't wears erotic underwear or latex, it isn't realistic. She wears normal clothes: skirt and blouse; simple underwear: bras, brief, pantyhose. She hasn't tattoo or piercing. She is a chaste and honest wife, mother of teenager boy, and it feels very pain and shame when she is submitted to humiliations and tortures.
The son, protagonist of the story a typical teen-ager boy student of college, in age di puberty.
The sceneries.
Scenery 1. In a Country governed from a military dictatorship or during II mondial war, a woman she is arrested and questioned in presence of her son.
In Latin America and in Medioriente, frequent it are the cases, of women's questioned in presence of their son., this perverse form of questioning has called family torture.
The victims are always women of inclusive age among 30 - 40 years old, physically beautiful and mothers of boys, often teen-agers.
The woman is questioned in presence of her son for two reasons. First, because the jailers, are sadistic and perverse people, that discharged on the victims their worse perversions. Second, because this method of questioning results very effective: every woman hears a great shame when she is questioned in presence of her son or hunsband.
The press doesn't often speak of the numerous cases of women questioned in presence of her son; this because the victims feel a great shame, to tell about their dramatic experience.
When a mother is questioned in presence of her son the psychological torture results more effective than that physics.
Silvia Martinez Basso a woman journalist and member of important association of human rights wrote this about the technical of mother-son interrogatory: <<In this perverse form of questioning the woman is submitted to tortures more psychological than physics. In particularly it is employed a method of psychological torture named “small talk in distress”.....The woman, she is forced to strip in front her son, and forced to assume an obscene and embarrassing positions (naked with open legs and the arms behind the head); the interrogator puts her in distress(she is verbally abused and the jailer fondling her breasts and her vagina); she is bound in a very uncomfortable manner and she is submitted to a slow and minute vaginal and anal inspection, and other forms of psychological tortures and humiliations, like enemas>>.
The woman is also submitted to physical torture: binding breasts, the electric tortures (electric discharges to low intensity on the nipples and in the vagina), the "easel", the whipping (buttocks and plants of the feet), insertions of various objects in the vagina (dildo, inflatable dildo, vibrator), etc..
The physical tortures to which the women are submitted, are of the type to "low intensity": painful tortures but that they don't give to the victim you damn permanent. It are a type of sexual humiliations.
The jailers know that when a woman is questioned in presence of her son, the psychological torture is more effective than that physics.
In “mother-son interrogatory” the boy he is not submitted to torture, he is only forced to assist to the questioning of her mother without reacting.....
These are the real testimonies of some victims:
Maria S., a beautiful women of forty five years old, psychologist in Buenos Aries University, wife of a important member of opposition party, was kidnappings together of her son Pablo a boy student in second years of college.
Tell Maria with great shame about her tragic experience: << I was forced to obey to their orders why they threatened to torture my son, they poor me in a very obscene position: naked with the legs fall open, exposing my sex to the men, and to my adolescent son....I would have preferred to die rather than to put in that position in front my son to me. I am a woman much modest, never I undressed me in presence of my son....You cannot imagine the shame that one mother tries in that situation.... I implored the jailers to give mine me dressed...>>.
I was motionless for fear and embarrassment while two young boys fondled my breasts, touched my vagina and verbally abused me: << You are a teacher in university, you never wear panties when you teach class. You like to sit in front of the room and spread you legs, so all the boys can see you pussy and in particular in front you son......Look Pablo, you mother show her pussy.....Are you is excite for the mommy show?>>. I felt horror and shame for this obscene act in front of my son, but every reaction was impossible: my life and the life of my son, was in power of these criminals…... I am a very chaste woman, but I obeyed for love of my save her life>>
Always in presence of my son. I was submitted to psychological tortures and physics: as the bodily inspections, the binding of the breasts, the electric discharges on the breasts and on the vagina, the introductions of objects in the vagina.....>>
Pablo the son of Maria tells with great shame and embarrassment : <<I was forced to watch my mother interrogatory...... She was submitted to cavity search, vaginal insertions and electro tortures……..She was deprived of hope and she did not have courage to watch to me.... …..>>.
Realistic emotions.
The mother: Fear, pain, shame and embarrassment, because she is interrogate in front her son.
The son: Fear and horror, He see his mother under torture and he can not react, because is tied up a chair and gagged. Embarrassment and shame, for his physiological reactions……..
B. Shaw a psychologist, e took care of a lot of victims of cases of family-torture, He says this: << The boy was forced to assist to the questioning of his own mother, while a warder masturbated then. Unintentional erection and ejaculation, it are common physiological reactions that escape the control of every adolescent boy especially in dramatic situations as that just described. This happens because in age of puberty the organism of every adolescent boy is submitted to strong sexual hormonal secretion, and therefore it is very sensitive to every form of sexual stimulus; moreover the torture team, creates in the victim boy a relationship among sexual stimulus and cessation of mother pain: the various forms of torture physics to which the woman is submitted are interrupted when the boy ejaculates…………The boys try a strong sense of shame and anguish however happened, this is the more horrible and embarrassing aspect of this terrible experience.>>.
David, with embarrassment and shame, He self-acknowledged this to the psychologist: <<Around one hour after our arrest, two military with the covered face they came me ....... I was handcuffed, gagged and then conducted in the room where my mother was questioned.
They made me enter the room and bottom on a chair in front of my mother. I was few meters from she but she could not see me: she had a lamp aimed at the face and she to escape that dazzling light, she had the head lowered.
She had sitting on a chair: The soldiers had opened her the blouse and discovered the breast, she had the skirt completely lifted and she was forced to hold the open legs. .... under the pantyhose I realized me that she didn't wear the briefs.... everything was seen... A soldier was questioning she......I felt that she had fear and her it felt shame in to be in that situation.
For the shock, my heart began to beat strong, I felt a void to the stomach and I began to sweat. ..... I had never seen my mother half-naked in a situation as that... ... for many years I was obsessed from that vision and I dreamt my mother in that situation and these dreams were accompanied by unintentional erection and ejaculation>>.
B Shaw continues: <<In Argentina torture centre every forms of violence and perverse acts were practicable. The jailers often forced their victims to make incestuous acts…... not always complete relationship between mother and son, but the women were forced to masturbate her son and to live under conditions of excessive intimacy: they were forced to sleep naked with her son on a bed of small dimensions, to narrow contact. .....>>. Forced mother and son in incestuous acts was possible because the victims were exhausted, after weeks of torture physique and psychological, for then every resist was impossible….For understand this type of situation is necessary reflect about the victims, then physique and psychological condition. Mother and son are under blackmail, In these desperate situation, every mother accept every perverse acts, for save herself and her son from pain and dead>>.
Scenery 2 A mother gets blackmailed (blackmailed for debts or other motives), into being a sex slave for friends of her son, or for other people perverse people. The woman she is submitted in presence of her own son to sexual humiliations and many perverse actions.
Scenery 3 A mother a simple housewife, she is blackmailed to be a porno actress ... her son discovers the secret life of his mother…………….
Scenery 4 A lady in vacation with her son in a Country of the Medioriente (Morocco, Emirates, etc.) she is arrested for error and questione in front her teenager boy.
Which are your opinions about this?
Best regards.

Reviewer: masterdw (Edit) Rating: Aug 31, 2006
Your only weakness is motivation. Why Catherine should begin to accept this punishment, wht Dan should hate his mother, is not very clear. But who the hell cares. It is good humiliation and domination and that is what the reader wants. (9/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Sep 1, 2006)
Hi, many thanks for taking the time rvew and write.
Motivation: Cannot argue with that, I should have explored Catherine's formnative years. Many young girls who recieved corporal punshment when young and in their ealry teens from parents have latent desires for this punishment in later life (ask my own partner)
As For Dan It was never my intention he should hate his mother, far from it. He has a mother fixation and control urges if that makes sense!

Reviewer: boc0175 (Edit) Rating: Aug 2, 2006
Excelent, I await the continuation impatiently (10/10)

Reviewer: Larifarius (Edit) Rating: Jul 30, 2006
to be continued (10/10)

Reviewer: slutsteph (Edit) Rating: May 27, 2006
girl loves the story! she did not think it would be so exciting, considering the age of the mother, but she has been delightfully surprised. (9/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (May 28, 2006)
Ah, a lazy sunday afternoon, and having only just getting round to check the review of my story, I find it was written by none other than your delightful slave self, Steph. so many thanks for your gracious award of nine points, better I guess than the UK achieved in lasts weeks eurovision contest! Whatever transpires from your deliberations with your Master, I urge you to contine reading 'Catherine' steph, a guy needs the marks you know.
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (May 29, 2006)
Hello Stephanie, there is a message for you so keep trying, is okay my end
Replied by: steph2004ster (Edit) (Jul 23, 2012)
more than 6 years ago and just as volcanic as ever!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: May 27, 2006
i absolutely loved every aspect of the story, i wish however your layout was better, way to much spacing between paragraphs you left enough space to write a longer story, i hope you plan to add more i would love to see her slide in being dominated continuned
I read your latest part posted and the story only gets beeter with each chapter, how long are you making it, how many more chapters will be posted (10/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Mar 15, 2006)
many thanks for your encouraging remarks, I am working on part two and shall indeed ensure the spaces between paragraphs are smaller

Reviewer: LordDrako70 (Edit) Rating: May 2, 2006
Dear John,
The story is fantastic so far. One of my favorites. I just hope it never ends. I like the way, little by little, Catherine is transformed. I think it is interesting that you also introduce a new character, Aunt Victoria. I would expect she is enslave also little by little, and offers much resistence. It is always more interesting than fast submission or aceptance. Also I hope Sean beats that resistence with thoroughful humiliation. Also do not forget Catherine. Keep training her. Work hard on her mental conversion from a loving housewife and mother to a devoted slave. I would love to see how little by little not only she obeys her Master but the love she feels for her husband switches to her Master. Also I find difficult to believe that Catherine is fully enslaved without her family noticing. Some ideas are: Sean must order Catherine to tease her husband but deny all kinds of sex, leading him to frustration and masturbation. When trained, aunt Victoria could seduce her sisters frustated husband and have sex with him. Dan could record this session and the husband could be blackmailed, and little by little also enslaved (by Joan? by Victoria?). When he finds out her wife is a slave, he will also be and accept submissively the situation. It seems you like older wives and mothers submiting to young men. It is also my turn on, but it would be very exciting if Catherines daughter, Caroline is also brought into the stable. The role of perverted Dan is very good, as it helps to bring new slaves, but I would love to see that besides because of her lust he also feels obligued to act that way because he is submissive to Sean. Finally, I do not like very much the character Kevin. I would like to see him out of the plot as it happened with Seans friend, Tom.
I write all this ideas with all my respect to you and hope they may be useful for your future chapters. If not, I know I still be enjoying your story.
A fan of you
Lord Drako (10/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (May 6, 2006)
Hi, Many thanks for your review and vote for the story, I shall take all you say on board and yes, perhaps Catherine's daughter could well end up in the story although I will concentrate on Victoria for the next episode.

Reviewer: rilawild (Edit) Rating: Apr 23, 2006
I loved the story, the situation and gradual change of Catherine from housewife to sex slave is very good. The plot gets 10/10. The story though does need more proof reading and attention to detail such as quotation marks and the layout. Those though are easier to fix than a bad story so I have confidence that it will improve.
I'm looking forward to further installments, and hopefully to be able to increase my rating. (8/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Apr 23, 2006)
hi, many thanks for taking the time to review 'Catherine', it's always good to hear from people and I shall take note of your comments re proof reading andthe like.
thanks again

Reviewer: idsworth (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2006
Great story - look forward to further chapters (9/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Apr 13, 2006)
many thanks for reading the story nad for your review, makes it worthwhile.

Reviewer: MIKEY100 (Edit) Rating: Apr 6, 2006
Overall, I like it. Maybe turn up the dial on the humiliation and submissiveness such as having her shaved and forced public exhibitionism. (8/10)

Reviewer: jogj0308 (Edit) Rating: Mar 27, 2006
I like the story and the plot is good. (8/10)

Reviewer: Rook (Edit) Rating: Mar 26, 2006
Excellent beginning. A few grammer mistakes but it was so few that it wasn't distracting.
The spaces in between the paragraphs were a couple too long, I would suggest maybe 5 lines spacing.
I would suggest alternating calling Catherine, both Catherine and Mrs. Dixon in particular situations. As being used in certain way can increase the humilation of the poor mother. <G>
Excellent storyline, plot is good and a great turn on. The characters were well thought out and written well. The settings and scenes are nicely realistic. Would love to see this turn into a very long series.
This story has already landed in my top ten stories from the website. Can go higher with the upcoming chapters.
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Mar 27, 2006)
many thanks for your taking the time to review 'Catherine's Punishment' Part 3 has been fowarded, hope you enjoy. I am working on part 4 now.

Reviewer: Maestropretoriano (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2006
A very nice beginning, I love the way the author uses blank spaces to separate the parragraphs, increasing the mistery and making the reding a nice exercice of rythm. I will wait for forthcoming parts and to follow her trainning into submissiveness (9/10)

Reviewer: pbymule (Edit) Rating: Mar 16, 2006
Very good story line. Should be continued. (8/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Mar 16, 2006)
thanks for the review, I am working on the continuation

Reviewer: LoversDelight82 (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2006
I really enjoyed this story. It was a bit drawn out, and it's in serious need of some proofreading, though. Overall, very promising. I wish that Sean had continued to call Mrs. Dixon 'Catherine', though. I feel like, once you took it to such a personal level, you really needed to stay there, instead of lapsing back into the formal title. (7/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Mar 16, 2006)
I shall take your ,very valid, points on board for the continuation. many thanks for taking the time out to review the story

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Mar 15, 2006
I can only join mkense in his comments. (9/10)
Replied by: johhnyboy (Edit) (Mar 15, 2006)
many thanks for your high marks on my story. I am at present working on part two

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