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The Bondage Clown:---The mystery behind the mask. Author: Fici
(Added on Apr 26, 2006) (This month 51439 readers) (Total 58144 readers)
This story is a blend of bondage with a little bit of suspense and mystery. A very beautiful girl is taken into bondage by an unknown person and the girl\'s relatives set out to find her and her captor

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Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: magnum (Edit) Rating: Jul 24, 2006
I liked the premise of your story, but I struggled with many of your phrases. For instance: "When I mentioned you not to say anything". That is not a natural statement, at least in my part of the country. I was left with the impression that english may be a second language?
As to a longer "novel" with a plot. I'm sorry. That's not what I'm looking for. If I want a plot, there are many good paperbacks and I can sit in a confortable recliner and read them in the family room, airplane, or wherever. When I come to this site, I do it because I want a quick break as a reward for completing some other onerous task. I'm not after plot development. I'm after a short story, with a theme of my choice.
It is not for me to presume that I speak for the rest of the audience out here. I'm just offering feedback about the way that I use this site.
I do encourage you to continue to write and pursue your plot development though. I apprecitae the effort that it takes to create and post stories for this site.
Thank you! (6/10)
Replied by: fici (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
Dear Magnum! English is not my first language, though I am trying my level best to get it straight. As for my story, it is true that I want to create a plot oriented story with some bdsm.
There are thousands of stories in this site.
But I wanted to try something different.
Different readers are of different opinions.
Let me tell you that writing this type of plot oriented story isn't that easy. It takes quite a bit of time and thinking. Perhaps the Bdsm content of my story isn't enough. I shall work on that part in my next chapter.
Thank you for your review and rating.
Replied by: fici (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
I consider your review valuable.

Reviewer: generaldom (Edit) Rating: May 13, 2006
Great start! This has a lot of potential. I like the descriptive nature of your prose. I write mostly longer novels that are BDSM/Adventure/Action works. Plot-oriented fiction is something we really need around here. Write on!!!!! (8/10)
Replied by: fici (Edit) (May 15, 2006)
Thank you.I was so dissapointed that I didn't get any review that I didn't feel like writing.I swore to myself that I won't continue unless I get atleast one review.This was all I needed for a start.Thank you for your inspiration.Now I will quickly start working on my story again.I will promise that it will be worth reading.
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (Jun 1, 2006)
Understood...don't let the lack of reviews get you down. Something to watch is the number of people that read your story as further excerpts are published. If you find these going up steadily, particularly jumping after a new excerpt is published, you have found an audience. It is my belief that less than 1% of readers take the time to write a review. Also, the number of reviews you get will go up after you publish more stories. Remember, your writing will only get better with time and as it does, the reviews will come. One more thing.... many readers on this site only scan for "hot spots" --- the stuff that gets them off --- serious plot-invested readers are in the minority. Keep that in mind and don't let it drive down the quality of your work. It's easy to fill pages with nothing but torture or sex scenarios and incoherent wailings. Be strong and stay true to your initial vision.

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