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Four Play Author: General Dom
(Added on May 17, 2006) (This month 72587 readers) (Total 132507 readers)
Forrester Davison, the twisted tycoon from \"The Banker\'s Bitch,\" returns to subject four beautiful girls to a decadently evil game of pain and submission. Why? Because he can!

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: tessa (Edit) Rating: Feb 27, 2007
As I wasn't reading this to catch grammar errors, I won't go in that direction. Instead, I'll stick to the more pleasurable elements. Very creative torture scenes. Lovely suffering for the victims. Twisted and sadistic Mr. Davison. All that put together was good for me...really good. (8/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (Apr 26, 2007)
Thanks for the review Tessa. I was pleased that you thought the victim's suffering was hotly relayed. It's an area I have strived long to improve. Any other suggestions are more than welcome.

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Jan 31, 2007
A very nice tale of extreme torture and abuse, which has some very erotic ideas. I found I needed to read the story a couple of times before I could follow everything that was going on (but that might just be because I'm a bit slow). Don't miss this one. (9/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (Apr 26, 2007)
Thanks Mothbrad, Don't feel slow... this and "The Banker's Bitch" were conceived as part of a longer work so that's where some of the confusion might be coming in. Would love to hear more elaboration on what ideas/subtexts you found most erotic. I strive to please.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2007
was interesting but not as good as most of your work, i had a hard time folowing it
No i wish you had stayed in 1 situation then omed to another also more detail would have been nice (7/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 17, 2006)
Thanks mkemse, Was it too many characters/too much simultaneous torture? Always interested in your opinion since I know you've liked past stories.

Reviewer: OttifantSir (Edit) Rating: Aug 25, 2006
There was a little confusion at the beginning of this story about Carlotta/Carly's whereabouts, but it cleared up quite soon. One of THE best stories I have read. I just want to hear more about the deranged mr. Davison (9/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (Aug 31, 2006)
Hi! Thanks for your review, it is appreciated. Yeah, Davison is quite the wack-job, isn't he? Hopefully his eccentricities make him seem a little less revolting in the scheme of things (maybe likable? that might be pushing it). I want him to seem human in the end... all his costumes and accessories are thinly-veiled armor that he "puts on" to heighten his self-worth. I think that makes him human. There will be another installment in this series within the next month or two... something a bit softer and hopefully more in the vein of traditional erotica, but still with a slightly twisted edge. Any suggestions or ideas are welcome, and thanks for your support.
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (Aug 31, 2006)
Hi! Thanks for your review, it is appreciated. Yeah, Davison is quite the wack-job, isn't he? Hopefully his eccentricities make him seem a little less revolting in the scheme of things (maybe likable? that might be pushing it). I want him to seem human in the end... all his costumes and accessories are thinly-veiled armor that he "puts on" to heighten his self-worth. I think that makes him human. There will be another installment in this series within the next month or two... something a bit softer and hopefully more in the vein of traditional erotica, but still with a slightly twisted edge. Any suggestions or ideas are welcome, and thanks for your support.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: May 20, 2006
A good story, as I like the harder stuff. Some of the descriptions, like the one of the hand torture, are a little unclear in places.
Also (and this is just an opinion), lots of authors are overusing electrical torture lately. Nice to see some creative use of it. (9/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 20, 2006)
Thanks, I really appreciate your review. It's hard to make something like nail extraction seem hot, and that's why I just wanted to give a sense of how far Davison would go to obtain Carly's cooperation, plus it seemed doubly cruel for him to flaunt her mother's identical torture just before. Davison is a villain who enjoys playing with his victims mentally perhaps even more so than physically. Perhaps if I had combined it with something sexual it would have been to better effect. I think I wanted to make her torture purely physical in order to play up the fact that Davison actually wanted something from her, as opposed to the others, whom he only wanted to torment for sheer enjoyment.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on the electrical torture comment. I think it's too versatile a tool to not augment with other methods, and any one thing can get extremely boring quickly.
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 20, 2006)
Thanks, I really appreciate your review. It's hard to make something like nail extraction seem hot, and that's why I just wanted to give a sense of how far Davison would go to obtain Carly's cooperation, plus it seemed doubly cruel for him to flaunt her mother's identical torture just before. Davison is a villain who enjoys playing with his victims mentally perhaps even more so than physically. Perhaps if I had combined it with something sexual it would have been to better effect. I think I wanted to make her torture purely physical in order to play up the fact that Davison actually wanted something from her, as opposed to the others, whom he only wanted to torment for sheer enjoyment.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on the electrical torture comment. I think it's too versatile a tool to not augment with other methods, and any one thing can get extremely boring quickly.
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 20, 2006)
Thanks, I really appreciate your review. It's hard to make something like nail extraction seem hot, and that's why I just wanted to give a sense of how far Davison would go to obtain Carly's cooperation, plus it seemed doubly cruel for him to flaunt her mother's identical torture just before. Davison is a villain who enjoys playing with his victims mentally perhaps even more so than physically. Perhaps if I had combined it with something sexual it would have been to better effect. I think I wanted to make her torture purely physical in order to play up the fact that Davison actually wanted something from her, as opposed to the others, whom he only wanted to torment for sheer enjoyment.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on the electrical torture comment. I think it's too versatile a tool to not augment with other methods, and any one thing can get extremely boring quickly.

Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: May 17, 2006
A well told, if unpleasant, little tale. For those who enjoy torture and severe abuse, this is an excellent story to read. There was a suffering of quality towards the end, which suffered from spelling mistakes and a few other technical failures. Were this not the case, the tale would be nearly perfect for this genre of story. To be fair, this was certainly not to my tastes, as stories go, and those who appreciate more extreme stories may find it tremendously more enjoyable than I. (8/10)
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 17, 2006)
Thanks for the feedback, I do appreciate it. I'm a little peeved at myself for the mistakes... I'll have to go through and check them out. If you have the time, I would like to hear what you found. Again, I appreciate you reading all the way through this given it's not to your taste. I admit it's pretty extreme. I'm experimenting with different styles at the moment and I have to admit I believe I ran out of gas a bit at the end plot-wise.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (May 17, 2006)
I sent an E-Mail your direction with a couple of things. I am certain you will spot what I spotted - as I said in my E-Mail, we always spot our muck-ups after we publish.
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 18, 2006)
Thanks for the email. I haven't received it yet but will watch for it. And yes, you're right... I have already found a few things. Ugh!
Replied by: General_Dom (Edit) (May 18, 2006)
Thanks for the email. I haven't received it yet but will watch for it. And yes, you're right... I have already found a few things. Ugh!

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