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Feeding the dogs Author: Depr@ved
(Added on Jun 26, 2006) (This month 88155 readers) (Total 133926 readers)
This is a sick twisted little tale that someone requested I write. A man captures a young girl who is first sodomized by a group of dogs, feed slowly to another group of dogs while she struggles, then brutally killed.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 15
4 Votes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
27% 0% 0% 7% 13% 7% 13% 7% 13% 13%
Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: mein (Edit) Rating: Jun 25, 2007
This is the sickest story anyone could write. I got a good idea to schow it to a police friend of mine.Someone with such fantasies is sick depraved, mental.. registering here has only one purpose to express my outrage over this sick crap and how anyone ist also equally corupt to put it into print. Stimulating??????You must be kidding all it stimulates is my revulsion and anger...seems it stimulated the author enormously... to the point at the most revolting parts he could neither spelll nor keep controll of his sentences. depraved... You are one sick individual... Bdsm Stories... You arre scupelous to print such shit... (1/10)

Reviewer: annamk1977 (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2007
i would prefer a more detailed description of the sex-acts with the dogs instead of too much torture. (6/10)

Reviewer: sheepy (Edit) Rating: Oct 15, 2006
to see someone acutually putting to the page the sickest acts is very stimulating to me. I am glad someone is not afraid to explore his/her darkest side. (8/10)

Reviewer: Bouraq (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2006
I too have some reservations on some of the content however feel that such are personal considerations. With regard to the story, my feeling is that it is moving too fast, there is much too much going on in what is quite a short time span. I will continue to follow the plot though. (5/10)

Reviewer: jebthehum (Edit) Rating: Jul 8, 2006
voting 9 to counter act the meatheads voting 1.
Nicely written, though I stopped reading where she starts getting eaten. Not my thing... (9/10)

Reviewer: Maestropretoriano (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2006
The plot is completely sick, but the style and the rythm of the story are good and makes it very readable. For me, as long as everybody can see the difference between fantasy and real, I don't see any danger on this (or other) kind of stories. I hope you keep writing Depr@ved, not only on this plot but also others, and show us what you are capable of. (7/10)

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Jul 5, 2006
Your writing is not necessarily bad, but having a 13 year old girl in it makes it borderline child pornography. And personally, I find nothing exciting or fun about this story. (4/10)

Reviewer: dawgslut (Edit) Rating: Jul 4, 2006
loved it! (10/10)

Reviewer: sherri (Edit) Rating: Jul 1, 2006
Hated it. (1/10)

Reviewer: seamusduggery (Edit) Rating: Jun 30, 2006
I have to say that I am again reasonably impressed by your writing style. Continue to write regardless of the poor reviews. They are likely contributed by those that enjoyed the story and now feel ashamed. By giving you a poor review they mantain their moral integrity. (9/10)

Reviewer: sylvia_ber (Edit) Rating: Jun 28, 2006
I enjoyed the story. It was a bit too short for my taste, you could be a bit more descriptive, but the idea of it is great. When i was reading it, some ideas came to my mind: There were three girls captured (perhaps two sisters and another girl ot their mom). One of them is being fed to the dogs while the other watch. Then the guy gives the two a choice: The one who will crawl into the cage and seduce the dogs will survive and kept as a dog whore, the other will be killes as well. (7/10)
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jul 6, 2006)
You see me blushing :) Thank you for taking my suggestion. Unfortunatly i get an error if i try to edit my vote.
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jul 6, 2006)
You see me blushing :) Thank you for taking my suggestion. Unfortunatly i get an error if i try to edit my vote.
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jul 9, 2006)
Nice idea to continue. Lets count... there is only one girl left who is still fully intact. I guess she would do anything not to get eaten alive as well. What do you think about this:
The guy offers her death. She will be thrown into the kennel of the hungry dogs tomorrow. But there are some new girls kidnaped. The guy offers her the opportunity to feed the dogs with fresh meet untill they are full, so they will not kill her when she is put into the kennel to service them.
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jul 9, 2006)
Nice idea to continue. Lets count... there is only one girl left who is still fully intact. I guess she would do anything not to get eaten alive as well. What do you think about this:
The guy offers her death. She will be thrown into the kennel of the hungry dogs tomorrow. But there are some new girls kidnaped. The guy offers her the opportunity to feed the dogs with fresh meet untill they are full, so they will not kill her when she is put into the kennel to service them.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jun 27, 2006
ok in some senses but the ngenere theme was not good (5/10)

Reviewer: Eternal (Edit) Rating: Jun 27, 2006
I must say I'm surprised with the two negative reviews you've received here. Though your writing is hardly stellar, it's hardly deserving what you've been dished out so far. I'm especially apalled at the reason people state for giving such low reviews. One person even goes as far as stating they rate your story low, because of the theme, or having a sick mind. The last time I checked, this was BDSM Library, and not a Sunday school bookclub. I would suggest though that you change the main character's age to 18, just to appease the biggots, because I would hate to see your story go because of the content. Anyway - full score from me, to offset the undeserved, in my opinion, 0 star reviews. Enjoy. And to the authors of those reviews - no stars stands for "Very poor in content with writing skills bordering on illiteracy" - clearly not the case here... (10/10)

Reviewer: Taoxx (Edit) Rating: Jun 27, 2006
The writing skill is okay. But don't expect any positive reactions on this.
I hate the story because of its theme. I would like to have it removed from this site. I can't understand why this was published. (1/10)
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jun 28, 2006)
If you don't like it don't read it. If i see a story i am sure i would not like, i simply not read it. I never would give the story a bad remark.
Replied by: Taoxx (Edit) (Jun 28, 2006)
There are a few boarders that should not be crossed. Slaying a child (every kind of crime towards a child) is without a doubt beyond everything I can tolerate. If you see this different you are my enemy.
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jun 28, 2006)
Guess what? I can live with you being my enemy.
Replied by: Taoxx (Edit) (Jun 28, 2006)
I don't like the dog scenes and think they are wrong too, but I wouldn't complain about this. Everyone has got some strange fantasies and here is a place for them.
But: Today in Belgium 2 dead children were found. There is nothing erotic about it and nothing that deserves tolerance in any way.
Replied by: sylvia_ber (Edit) (Jun 29, 2006)
In real, there is nothing erotic about dead people at all. No matter if they are childs or not. In real, there is absolutly nothing erotic about being forced into sex and/or slavery. There are so many things i find erotic in a story that makes me just feeling sick if i hear it happen in real life.
Replied by: Malice (Edit) (Jul 1, 2006)
I'm not going to review it, as I stopped reading as soon as the dogs started eating her leg while she was still awake. See, there is torture, and than there is mutilation, disfigurement and other things that I myself cannot find appealing or view without feeling little pieces of me dieing inside.
In the future I'll just avoid things with the extreme marker. Keep on writing though, hopefully next time it'll be something I'll be able to enjoy completely
Replied by: Malice (Edit) (Jul 5, 2006)
Double replied..

Reviewer: dutchchaste (Edit) Rating: Jun 27, 2006
just from a sick mind

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