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A Detail of Intimacy Author: Aussiegirl
(Added on Jul 10, 2006) (This month 81730 readers) (Total 112268 readers)
Two lovers share a weekend - a single moment in time - in which they will discover the truth about each other and their future lives together.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 10
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Mad (Edit) Rating: Mar 13, 2009
This is a very nice story, Aussiegirl! I loved how you described the scenes. I could picture it in my head well. It's the first story I've read and really enjoyed in a while.
I get a bit emotionally when reading/watching stories that include romance, so the ending was very sad for me. It couldn't have had a better ending though.
Thank you for the great story. :) (8/10)

Reviewer: akdom (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2006
Well written story. It is my type of BDSM, Care and love with erotic and intense bdsm scenes. Aussiegirl and H.Dean need to collaborate more often. I loved the ending. It smacks of real life. Keep up the good work. (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Dec 27, 2006)
Thanks akdom, I am really glad you enjoyed the story, especially the ending. H Dean and I do have some plans to collaborate together again one day. We just have to find the right story to work on.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 24, 2007)
I had not seen this review until today. akdom, I thank you for the kind comments on our collaboration. Perhaps we will attempt another in the not-too-distant future.

Reviewer: StillBehindBlueEyes (Edit) Rating: Nov 22, 2006
Aussiegirl, H Dean
I really like the concept. I must admit the moment the finality was spoken (Only one weekend) I wondered if anything set in stone can go as planned. So many wicked possibilities.
I broke down and read it before it was done H Dean. I just couldn’t help myself. It drives me nuts. All the possibilities, will you two take it the way I want, will you surprise me, will you end it in a way that I desire.
Keep up the good work and don’t you dare stop writing together till it’s done.
Smiles and giggles
I just so love where this is going but I'm not a patient person. Giggle. Finish up people I so want to know what's happening. :) (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Oct 3, 2006)
Thanks Sbbe,
I hope you like how the story goes. We have hit a bit of a problem with H Dean being sick and then hurting his hand, but we will get the next chapter up as soon as we can. It is all written, but still needs editing.
Thanks for the interest so far!
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Oct 14, 2006)
Gee, Blue, you couldn't wait to get to read this, eh? Good to know. Thanks for offering the review. You'll be pleased to know that the story is complete and is merely awaiting further edits. For those I have left Aussiegirl in complete charge, submitting to her wonderful abilities.
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Nov 23, 2006)
LOL I am so glad you are still enjoying the story. I will have another chapter up very soon. Thanks for your continued support.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Nov 2, 2006
you continue to get real good, keep it up, you are a joy to read
Nobody does it better :) (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
mkemse, I can't take a lot of credit for this firt part, as H Dean wrote most of this section. I hope though that you continue to enjoy the story.
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
mkemse, I can't take a lot of credit for this firt part, as H Dean wrote most of this section. I hope though that you continue to enjoy the story.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
Maybe it was a good thing that the moderators neglected to attach both of our names to this tale. I have never been called a "joy" before. I do get called lots of other stuff, though.
Thanks for the review, Mkemse. I do hope you enjoy the rest of this little story. As Aussiegirl said, there is considerably more to come.
Replied by: Rabbit1 (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
well the moderators did not negelect to put both names on this story ---as you used Aussiegirls email address it came up under her name --if you are going to do stories togeter you need to come up with a different email address---the software will not let you have two author names under the same email address---as one listed by a single author
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 12, 2006)
Ah, Rabbit, thanks for letting us know. My apologies for "neglected", it was not meant as insulting, though it appears you may have taken it that way.
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Nov 3, 2006)
Thanks mkemse,
I am glad you are continuing to read and enjoy our little tale, there is still a lot more to come.

Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2006
*gives them both a BIG grin* well, i have been a FAN of Deans for a long time now, and this story just reinforces why. and Aussiegirl, you lucky girl you!! you get to write, compare ideas, edit! lol. thank you both of you. another excellent story. and however you chose to end it, i will enjoy it i know.
blu (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Oct 11, 2006)
Thanks mate,
Yes I think I was lucky to get to work with H Dean and I hope we can do more in the future. There is lot more to come yet, so I hope you continue to enjoy it.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Oct 14, 2006)
First I wish to offer thanks for the kind review. Next, Aussiegirl says that she is lucky to work with me, but this story concept would never have seen the light of day without her. Twas I who was the lucky one.
Replied by: J's blu (Edit) (Nov 2, 2006)
another enticing snippet,well, thats all very well, but would you please, PLEASE write faster! i need more. :)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Nov 4, 2006)
Thanks mate, it is all written and just awaiting my editing. It won't be long until another chapter is ready to post.

Reviewer: Polecat (Edit) Rating: Jul 22, 2006
I like the concept. One weekend and then it's gone forever.
Very well done.
I'll look forward for more. (8/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 23, 2006)
Thanks Polecat,
H Dean and I have plenty more of this story to come.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 23, 2006)
Thanks for the review of this tale. As Aussiegirl said, there is much more to come.

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Jul 11, 2006
Sensual, excellent description. Looking forward for the next part (9/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
Well, gee, Jip, thanks for the positive review. I think I can speak for Aussiegirl when I say that I hope you enjoy the rest of our story.

Reviewer: Widget (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2006
Can't wait to read the next part. Don't make us wait too long. (8/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
Thanks Widget, There is much more to come.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2006)
Widget, thanks for stopping by and seeing what we have wraught. Hope you enjoy the rest.

Reviewer: Millie (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2006
Very nice indeed, and the weekend is still young! I really hope there will be more soon.
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 10, 2006)
Thanks Mille,
Oh yes there is more to come! Just watch this space.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 10, 2006)
Millie, thank you for the review you have provided. More is on the way as soon as we can edit this little story. Several parts, in fact. I have just sent Aussie my edit of part two and will begin editing the third part very soon.

Reviewer: maddie (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2006
Would love to see more! (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Jul 10, 2006)
Thanks Maddie,
The story is actually a combined effort with H. Dean and we have quite a lot more to come.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 10, 2006)
As Aussie mentioned, this is a concerted effort by the two of us to manage something worth reading. I am very glad that you enjoyed what we have submitted thus far and I thank you for offering comment. We are currently editing the remainder of this tale - a process that might take awhile. I hope you find it to be as successful as you have the first part of our tale.

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