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Dark Fire Author: Electric Badger
(Added on Jul 23, 2006) (This month 52854 readers) (Total 69946 readers)
The novel is set in an alternate Victorian past, in which magic and steam co-exist (violently!) The main character, Sabine, is a demon-possessed warlock the Inquisition is raising to destroy her own kind.Part I is primarily a torture scene, beginning Sabine\'s real descent into evil and coalition with Hell\'s forces (which shall later be used for -- and against -- the Inquisition). As such, it\'s not for the squeamish. Later additions will probably be a bit less gruesome, as Sabine discovers more subtle and delicious ways to torture her friends and enemies.

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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Dododecapod (Edit) Rating: Aug 8, 2006
This is a very well-written piece. I must commend your use of language, and I would say your choice of style is extremely suitable for the passage.
However, if you are intending this to be sado-erotic, you would need to be much more detailed in your descriptions. Frankly, far from "extreme", I would barely rate this as an "R" so far.
That said, I did enjoy it, and it's a good introduction for the two characters. Quite good. (9/10)
Replied by: ElectricBadger (Edit) (Aug 10, 2006)
Thank you for the review! And yes, as it stands it's reasonably tame sexually, although fairly violent (the violent and snuff codes should cover that, however). It's meant as part of a very large piece (a full length novel) which will include most of the bits put here, but after some good advice about the slow buildup I'm concentrating on the "DiamondStar IV" series, which is a lot faster paced. I will definitely return to this story, however!

Reviewer: kemosabe (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2006
The author's use of prose far exceeds anything I've seen posted on this site. While his story is slow to develop, the descriptions keep you interested enough to look forward to the next chapter. (9/10)

Reviewer: La Toya (Edit) Rating: Jul 23, 2006
Nice start, This is one story I thing I will keep, an eye on. (8/10)

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