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Reformation:2127 Author: Tanya Simmonds
(Added on Aug 12, 2006) (This month 54752 readers) (Total 61985 readers)
In the year 2127, the western hemisphere has become dominated by women and males are considered to be property. Male orgasm outside of a partnership with a female is vigorously investigated and severely punished, however there are many women within Law-enforcement who do not approve of these cruel new regulations. Prepare to meet a rarity - the compassionate, reluctant dominatrix.

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Reviewer: bump (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2006
Despite 'not knowing any better'Being able at least converse with the 'superior gender' Why would males have any desire to live? Sperm count is already declining in 2006 what of 2127.
Full artificial insemination would be required of females of artificial sperm.Way to go girls!
What a 'master race' that would produce.
Replied by: Tanya Simmonds (Edit) (Aug 14, 2006)
Hi. In the future it may be possible that the current decline in sperm will be rectified by superior nutrition and scientific advancement, however "Reformation: 2127" is only intended to be an apocryphal fantasy tale which gives many possibilities a great deal of scope. As to why would men want to live: firstly, it had only been as extreme as that for two years at this point - men were still in a state of adjustment. Secondly, we all know that it would be a paradise for any masochistic male.
Thankyou for reading.
Replied by: bump (Edit) (Aug 14, 2006)
From Adam & Eve to the world RIGHT NOW history continues to repeat & proves no person,gender,religion,country etc 'adjusts' to cruelty,violence,inequality,injustice, they just survive,despise,hate,seek revenge etc....history repeats.
If earth ever aproached these 'fantasies'the resultant,inevitable 'Revenge' would probably see the end to us all.
ps If the 5% of 'masochistic'males are in 'paradise'the other 95% would be in Hell!
Replied by: Tanya Simmonds (Edit) (Aug 15, 2006)
Er, that is not entirely accurate. People do adjust to injustice. It is only the chosen few who will lead a rebellion. In the UK look at how we tolerate the dictatorship of Tony Blair. Or in the USA - people moan about the Patriot Act - a piece of legislation which totally annihilates every single democratic principle under the sun, but no one appears to be leading a rebellion against it.
You are right about only a minimal amount of men being masochists, but your suggestion was an implication that "all" males would have no desire to live. If there is but one who differs, this would destroy the "absolute" nature of that concept.
Ultimately, these are fictional tales which are aimed at the BDSM community - whose fantasies are somewhat divergent from that of a mainstream audience and as such, are not intended to be an illustration of a reality which is - shall we say - likely!
Replied by: bump (Edit) (Aug 15, 2006)
Yes, of cause. Sorry 'a lot of men' was the implication not all, & 'History repeating' is the extended time frame way beyond any Hitler,Blair or Bush etc.

Reviewer: Millie (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2006
This was beautifully written and I enjoyed it enormously. Both main characters were sympathetic and the whole story had a very satisfying edge to it. (9/10)
Replied by: Tanya Simmonds (Edit) (Aug 14, 2006)
Hello Millie
Thankyou so much for such a warm review. I will do my very best to bring you equally satisfying stories for "Masturbation: Prohibited - series 2," and if you haven't already, please feel free to check out the rest of series 1 by clicking on my name.
Warm regards

Reviewer: elecutrix (Edit) Rating: Aug 14, 2006
Great story! Great idea for the future! (10/10)
Replied by: Tanya Simmonds (Edit) (Aug 14, 2006)
Thankyou, you are very kind. "The future" of this series has definite possibilities. I hope to bring you great pleasure.
Warm regards

Reviewer: pet10 (Edit) Rating: Aug 13, 2006
It is an ingenious and very serried story. (“Wet dreams were the product of a lustful mind and were evidence of mental rape” of course only by men that I could never guess…it is grandiose!). Charles has a love story too but the stupid man knows the benevolent nice nurse’ name hence plus beat could deserve. Stopping the story that is too bad you have a great talent for sci-fi stories. (10/10)
Replied by: Tanya Simmonds (Edit) (Aug 14, 2006)
Thankyou so much for your kind words. I am so pleased that you enjoyed the story, but don't be misled - this need not necessarily be the end of the story. Please read my proposal for "Masturbation: Prohibited - series 2" in my authors comments at the end. "Reformation: 2127" could continue and I have proposed a contest which invites readers to offer their own fantasies for the series. If there is a particular theme which recurs the most - I will write it for you!
Warm regards

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