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Unintended Consequences Author: Gina Hoisington
(Added on Sep 19, 2006) (This month 101410 readers) (Total 133491 readers)
Unintended Consequences is about two screwed up people who meet under false circumstances. She thinks she’s taking advantage of him and he uses her. In the conclusion, it is a sexy and provocative, yet brutal love story about how a man and a woman can heal themselves.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: WsaCte39 (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2012
Very well written and intelligently understood subject. This writer knows how the mind's defenses are built up and how to break them down. It will always be my opinion that this is a male writer because linguistics point to it. The writer is excellent at tapping into something that exists in many of us. If nothing else as an American woman, read it and know how well off you really are. When I was done with this book, I realized that I was not suffering in my marriage and have never really suffered. This story has depth and value. If you are like me and not really into the BDSM scene, there is much to learn from this book regardless. Excellent, excellent job!! (9/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 1, 2009
chksng19 is right. This is a story that has a long, slow start. But contrary to what he/she says, it's not hard to get into. It just takes a will to read. And with read, I mean, take the time to see and understand the words and sentences and consequently, the story. Not just let your eyes glide over a piece of text with a brain set to only comprehend the parts that make more blood flow to the lower abdominal regions.
Because, ladies and gents, what we have here borders on literature. It might not look like it, but it does.
This is a wholesome story, where the reader doesn't ask him/herself questions about stuff that wasn't explained all too clearly.
The only questions that arise (at least with yours truly) are questions about people, about us as human beings, especially during the opening paragraphs.
Gina Hoisington's story here, sometimes reminds me of earlier Rainer Werner Fassbinder movies, like "Angst Essen Seele Auf" or "Chinesisches Roulette" or Liliana Cavani's "The Night Porter" with Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling.
This is about people being thrown together against all odds and living off of each other's fears. needing each other and those fears in order to survive.
This is about beauty born out of ugliness. But a beauty that can only be seen by those that have lived, or are still living the ugliness.
This is about who we are. What we are. Animals. Worse. Humans. And yet...
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: renko (Edit) Rating: Sep 27, 2006
Good story, good characterisation (9/10)

Reviewer: castle2001 (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2006
I have a different take on this story than the previous reviewer.
This story is perfect for this site. The scientific infliction of 'torture' in order to obtain information from an individual in this story can be erotic. The purpose of the end piece is to obtain the information that will allow the protagonist to control the victim.
The early parts of the story set up the history and bonafides
needed for the story to be more than a slashem-up.
I would only hope that the author will continue with the battle between the two until one obtains complete mental as well as physical supremacy.
Very close to a 10. as is the author's Victoria. (9/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Sep 19, 2006
A hard story to get into, with a long, long, slow start. This story might not be appropriate to this venue.
It is a well written and thought out treatise on the damage unjust torture can do to ALL involved parties. The author is talented and deserves consideration for her efforts.

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