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A Christmas Editorial from the Rapist\'s Digest. Author: Book of Evils
(Added on Dec 11, 2006) (This month 52123 readers) (Total 71006 readers)
In an idealized world, along with The Writer\'s Digest and The Reader\'s Digest there would be the Rapist\'s Digest.

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Reviewer: HuManiMal (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2011
To refer to actual victims is crule and demented and crosses the line between fantasy and sick reality. (1/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Apr 29, 2010
I was asked by the author to specifically read this piece and I'm sitting here in shock. I took the opportunity to read all the reviews, including one by my former editor (chksng19) who died this last Christmas and I agree with most of them. There are two major issues here: content and story telling. Smith&Wesson (reviewer below) makes a good point about the nature of this story's content. I too found it tasteless and offensive. However, BofE, in his response, points out quite accurately that content is at the author's whim. I agree. Unless you are specifically contracted to write something for someone else, you write for yourself. I try very hard not to provide a rating based upon content I don't like. In fact, I usually stay away from content I don't like. I never read M/m coded stories because while I don't object to their existence, I'm not interested in the slightest. Smith&Wesson mentions the horror the French family would experience if this story was brought to their attention. While I acknowledge that the possibility is unlikely, what if some disreputable person printed this story up and MAILED it to them. Or what if they mailed it to Paul Bernardo? While I accept BofE's right to "Freedom of Speech", especially here in America, this story borders on the same kind of harassment that the Westboro Baptist Church commits when picketing funerals of fallen soldiers. Its reprehensible. I also happen to be a constitutional originalist and believe that the first amendment right to free speech has been interpreted too liberally and that it's original intention was to protect the populace from government response if we criticize it. It shouldn't give you carte blanc to say whatever you want. That said, currently the law favors BofE, so we just have to suck it up.*** This leaves us with examining the story itself, and whether it is worth while to read it. This particular story is done in the style of an newspaper or magazine editorial rant that takes to task a real life serial rapist and murderer and complains about the methodology of his actions. It does not condemn the act of rape or murder, but in fact supports it. The first thing you have to ask yourself is "what is the purpose of an editorial?" That's actually pretty easy. It's a persuasive essay designed to influence the readers. With that goal in mind, this "editorial" falls flat on it's face. The "editor" (which is different than the "author") isn't trying to persuade the reader about anything. It's a temper tantrum. It's a angry tirade that does nothing to logically deconstruct Paul Bernardo's actions. He doesn't even provide alternatives, which could have made this story into something phenomenal. I mean seriously, if the editor had written something like "Now what I would have done..." I would have been all over this. But he didn't. *** Now let's examine this editorial from a "story" perspective. Who is the main character? Bernardo? Or the editor? The editor has more action because of his ranting. There is no sexual tension, no plot, no development, and absolutely nothing to pique the reader's interest. I mean seriously, it would be more of a turn on to read a fictionalized account of Bernardo's crimes (as awful as that would be for the French Family)than this stupid editorial. I didn't even get hard, and I enjoy a decent snuff story provided it isn't too gory. *** From a grammatical perspective the story is relatively well written, but like BofE's other story I've read "A Story of Experience", this one is fatally flawed from inception. It lacks the important parts that make a story: Tension, development, story arc, climax, and resolution *** From a creativity angle, I have to admit the idea of writing an "editorial" is rather fresh. The idea behind it could have been incredible. Of course, its possible that the "editor's" stylistic prose and incompetence at "writing" could have been deliberate on the part of the author. After all, those who can do. Those who can't, edit. And before anyone starts complaining about people who critique and review, I have twenty three stories posted here and you can find my work at my website and not a single one has less than four stars as an average rating. *** In summary, I think "A Christmas Editorial" is pretty bad. I had to give it a 4 rating because the grammar was acceptable, but I WANTED to give it a lower rating. Like I said before, content is immaterial, but the way this story was put together, I can't help but be disappointed. This was a great idea that fell flat on its face. Michael Alexander ( (4/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Apr 29, 2010)

Hello again Michael
Well!!! - to say the least.
Let me say decisively, Book of Evils was not chosen lightly as the moniker under which I offer my stuff. There is, in fact, worse content, in that it is even more disgusting and unconscionable, buried within several of my other stories so I suppose that puts us on considerably different tracks.
I guess there is pretend evil and real evil and to suggest the later does not exist in our world would surely be naive. More than anything else I am striving for believability and realism. That it is exactly how it could and would be.
While not your intention I'm sure, I will take some validation in that your were 'sitting there shocked'. That confirms that I elicited a reaction and a pretty guttural one at that since you deal in a version of the same craft.
It may be difficult for you to believe but one of the more pesky problems I experience in response to my accounts are individuals wanting to hook up in real life to take fantasy into reality because how I have described different methods of torture and assaults is exactly as if it was coming from their minds, so yes there are other twisted souls out there who actually laud my approaches. That said it is still just story telling but from an angle and view that is not often offered and while many find reprehensible others quite laud the results.
There is another factor at play here. Creating the stories you do, I truly believe you must have considerable insight into the process. I do not chose to write a particular account. I can go for weeks without any internal tensions and suddenly another story wants to be born. Until it is completed the process pretty well takes over my waking hours and since many are over a hundred of regular book pages the time dedicated is considerable. And of course there is the reading, re-reading and re-writing. Quite honestly because of time constraints I often have to simply shut down and turn off the beginnings of another tale. However, once started it's back into the grind until it's done. From your evaluation I suspect you'd claim it better the stories not be written at all but that's not who I am. It's a process that demands of me and until satisfied I remain at odds with myself and I'm sure you would surmise I'm at odds with myself to write such junk in the first place. Who's to say?
Anyhow, while you may not be so inclined, story number 16, Revision of a True Life Sex Murder, does what you have indicated. It places myself in the position of the individual who committed the crime in real life and indicates what I would have done. I'm not sure I should suggest you read it but if you do again I would appreciate your review. I consider negative views of my work to be every bit as valuable, perhaps more so, than positive ones.
Thanks again
Replied by: Michael247 (Edit) (Apr 29, 2010)
BofE, From your response, you seem to be highly focused on your content. I am not rating your story based upon content. By all means, write as horrific a story as you want, with anything you want in it. That's the freedom the BDSM Library supports. You want rape and murder, go for it! I support your right to do it. My rating for the stories of yours that I have read have been based on how the story is written, how well you've crafted a tale. I guess you must get a lot of hate mail about your stories because you seem really focused on that. My critique, while mentioning the horrific nature of the story in question, is more based upon the structure of the story. No plot. No character development. No tension sexual or otherwise (unless you count the number of readers who have said "oh please God let it stop!") There's no arc, no climax, no resolution or cliff-hanger. In the case of this story its just an angry rant about the idiocy/incompetence of a real life rapist/serial killer. I know how awful it can be to get a negative review, so your asking for me to read another one of your stories is courageous and amazing, but I feel I must decline. I don't want anyone to assume that my dislike for your content would flavor my ability to constructively critique any of your stories. I would never ever claim that it would be better for your stories not to have been written because one thing I've discovered as an author is that there is almost always an audience, and besides, we write for ourselves and share our work. By all means continue writing. If you ever feel that there is a particular work that has a plot, story arc, character development, description, and all of the other points I made issue about with the last two stories I would be honored to read it. Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander (

Reviewer: Smith&Wesson (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2006
Although I've been reading stories on this site for several years, I've never before felt the need to post. I remember the Bernardo-Holmoka murder cases entirely too well.
Obviously since I read the stories on this site I'm not a fan of the censorship of writing such as is posted here, however, I feel that “A Christmas Editorial from the Rapist's Digest” crosses a certain line that I’m not comfortable in seeing crossed, particularly the use of the name of an actual juvenile murder victim and discussing her abduction and murder in an approving manner. I don’t believe it is particularly wise to “deliberately twist the tiger’s tail” in pushing the boundaries of free speech and artistic license in the way that this story does particularly so when Canadian law varies on this type issue from that in the U.S. As JonMaddux wrote “[an author is] free to write and speak [his] mind even if the subject is distasteful so long as no one is hurt DUE to your writing.” From my viewpoint when using an actual murder case and a particularly horific one at that together with the name of one of the actual victims, I can’t imagine how the above standard can be met, I don’t want to spend much time even considering the pain reading this would cause the family of the victim.
Perhaps BoE (the author) was trying for this, but for the first time in the approximately five years I’ve been reading this board I have to say an utterly offensive story. (3/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Dec 21, 2006)

Hello Smith&Wesson:
Now that would be an astute move on my part, to thoroughly piss off a firearms fan.
Your critique is both reasoned and balanced and quite obviously comes from a valid core of genuine belief, convention and etiquette as it might be said.
I could not agree more that my story, presented as a mock editorial for an imagined digest, is reprehensible, but then too, so are all of my other stories.
They all end up in a similar extreme cesspool of incomprehensible atrocities.
I believe whatever mitigating factors there may be, if they exist at all, relate to where I have chosen to offer my material.
BDSM Library is a site dedicated to this particular genre and there are multiple warning codes which are red flags to indicate extreme content.
I suppose that's the biggest problem I have with condemnation for my writing efforts. Yours has not been the only outraged response, but is by far the most lucid, compelling and intelligent.
A whole bunch of capitalized profanity, like I've received in private emails, doesn't really entertain a dialogue of response.
As an aside, one email was from a father of a thirteen year old daughter who opined, it'd have been OK if the victim was thirty-one, like himself. So then, what about when his daughter was thirty-one?
I guess the thing is too, nobody makes anybody keep on reading what they're discovering to be offensive. I've received other emails, for previous stories, stating categorically they'll never, ever read another thing written by me. And that's just as it should be.
Book of Evils was chosen as a moniker because of its true resonance. Perhaps Book of Extreme Evils would have been more apt? But point taken, any time you, or any reader sees BofE, it isn't going to be Mary Poppins or any other kind of Fair Lady. Some authors write about bunny rabbits and butterflies and others write about slaughtering them, and I suppose, everything in between.
And I guess the question is still begged, is it writing or inciting?
To your most poignant and compelling observation, the concept that any member of the French family, and particularly the parents, would ever be wallowing around in the muck and the slime of this, or any BDSM site is utterly not realistic, to me. I put it into the realm of distinct impossibility. I do not believe, for one second, nor would I ever want them to, that her parents will ever read my garbage, as it would afflict their lives even further. At no time was this a thought to do, and would carry some pretty heavy Karmic liabilities if I felt that was likely and still went ahead.
Life has a way of keeping track and evening scores.
This site, is a site for people with weird, many would say sicko, interests and there are vast legions of persons who would never peruse its archives.
Which, all and said, I don't see as right or wrong, lesser or better, but just as that which is.
It is a site maintained and administered in the U.S.of A. with strict policies about age of central figures or victims and I believe the moderator would be watching the Tiger's tail pretty closely as all stories are read and screened before they are posted. It's one thing for me to write it, it's quite another for another to post it.
I know this does not absolve me of the responsibility for what I express, but it's fiction. Creative writing at its demented worst or best?
It's funny, more like odd than humorous, but the range of feedback responses is extreme. From mkemse who determined, 'There simply is nothing there.' to a Japanese man, by direct email, who'd never heard of the case and wanted to have any and all books written about it and then also yourself who has made the most eloquent condemnation yet of any of my scribblings.
Do I apologize? No.
Do I feel badly? Somewhat, but only in so far as maybe I needed to give stronger warnings about highly objectionable content (to some).
But then, wait a moment. Doesn't that describe what BDSM Library is about?
Anyhow, I fully acknowledge the truth of the insight you have offered and extend to you an invitation to rate, or not, my other works completed and yet to come.
You seemed to be asking why?
And was it intentional to shock?
I suppose the answer relates to the creative writing process.
I don't sit down to write a disturbing story. The story is just there, in my head, sort of over and over again, until it comes out, gets finished and is edited. And then the next one wants to get up and out of the ooze.
Sometimes I wish it was otherwise because they consume a good chunk of hours. You write clearly and eloquently, as I said already, so you have to have some knowledge of what's involved.
My stories are just there. I don't know why. The Devil makes me do it? Book of Evils? The gospel according to de Sade or Dr. Mengele?
The crazy thing is, I enjoy reading what I've written, so must it be some of the above?
But. But. But.
Many others do too.
And some even want to meet.
Now that's what should be disturbing.
It's all fiction.
And is there another motive?
I suppose a little bit so, like pie in the sky.
I'm hoping to be noticed for my 'insanity run amok' ideas and be picked up as a staff writer for some of the bizarre programs like Dexter or The Saw movies that need really perverse plot lines. I've had one tentative contact from a legitimate source, so my spewing days at BDSM Lib. may be limited, or not.
Geeze, this is almost becoming story length, if you're still with me.
I know it's possible to say, 'I should have in the first place' or I'm going to now (which I'd appreciate you didn't) but why didn't you rate the story a one?
So, where does that leave us?
I've written a despicable piece worthy of condemnation.
You chose to read it, and kept on reading it right through to the end, I assume, and chose not to stop.
So again, where does that take us?
Thanks for your attention.
Reply if you feel inclined.

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2006
OK the idea was, cute may be the wrong word, original, yeah nice original idea. The attempt at humor was game but you let too many chances slide by. (serious repeat rapist? obviously should have been serious serial rapist if you were doing puns) (7/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2006
Interesting. Written as if it was as portrayed, an editorial rant. Not real stimulating, though, in any sense I'm familiar with. Not a story.
You write well: perhaps in a different format you'll get a better rating. Try again! (5/10)

Reviewer: JonMaddux (Edit) Rating: Dec 12, 2006
It was certainly odd... Not anything i have ever read before. I am sure you will hear about being an insensitive ass etc but you are free to write and speak your mind even if the subject is distasteful so long as no one is hurt DUE to your writing. I find it captivating to read even if disturbing. I strangely wouldnt mind reading something else youve written, although i dont know why. (8/10)

Reviewer: cala (Edit) Rating: Dec 12, 2006
Written in the style of a editorial rant, I would not really call this a spoof, as that word implies the use of humour. (4/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Dec 12, 2006)
Hello cala:
I'm assuming the following definition of parody might better suit your view of my non-spoof.
Parody - A poor imitation: An attempt or imitation that is so poor that it seems ridiculous.
Anyhow, each to his, or her, own.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Dec 12, 2006
there simply is nothing there (5/10)

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Dec 11, 2006
First of all, I gave this a '5' because, really, it's ungradable. That doesn't mean it's worth a 0 or a 10, just ... I don't know what it's worth. I wanted to get in before the shit really hit the fan, which I'm sure it will shortly, and perhaps this story is 'disappeared' (in tribute to the recently deceased Gen. Pinochet).
You know that category we have here 'real', which people use for all sorts of stories that have nothing to do with 'real'? Well, this 'story' is real, right up your ass. I know from the author's other stories that he sure as hell didn't mean it as a 'comment' on society or how the war in Iraq can be critiqued by making sadistic mainstream horror films, or even about what we are all doing here, reading these stories and getting off, or getting angry, or whatever we're getting from it.
This reminded me of two other writers - one of them is too underground for anyone to know about, and the other is Peter Sotos. Look him up if you want a frame for this editorial. If you just want to abuse the author, I suppose that makes sense as well.
Hope there's more to follow, but not necessarily of this ... (5/10)

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