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Slave Girl of Rome Author: Leonardo
(Added on Oct 17, 2001) (This month 130484 readers) (Total 176932 readers)
A girl from the British Isles is captured and taken back to Rome to live the life of a slave.

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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 16, 2009
Details: Britannia was called Britannica under Caesar's reign. The name comes from some leftover Belgians who went to Brétagne (Britony) in France (after having been slaughtered by Ceasar's armies in 35 as a means of countermeasures for the annihilation of a whole legion by the Belgae) and from there to Albyon and named it La Grande Brétagne (The Great Britonny). England comes from Angelland (with a hard 'G'), named after the Angelen (or Anglos) who came from Norway via Germania (The Saxons came from the house of Sachsen (Coburg), in Germany, hence the name Anglo-Saxons).
Secondly, during a campaign, chaines were never used to keep slaves /prisoners of war captive at the battlegrounds, but ropes were used. Chains were too heavy to transport and were manufactured locally.
Slaves were put in irons at the army barracks, right before going off to Rome, or other places in the Roman Empire where labour was needed. Not all the captives becaome slaves. A lot of them were made into soldiers to serve in the army. Only those with special skills were used as slaves.
Centurions never interfered with slaves. They did sort out those that could be used as soldiers, but for the rest they kept to their armies.
Official Emperial slavers took care of the prisoners of war and the spoil, to make a choosing of who was fit to work and serve.
Like I said, details. But I'm a sucker for those. Especially when they are wrong.
The story itself was okay, slightly above of what I consider average.
JJ (8/10)

Reviewer: RiverOtter (Edit) Rating: Jun 28, 2007
Very enjoyable. The setting was convincing and well described. The characters could have been fleshed out more but they were consistent and believable for what they were. (9/10)

Reviewer: Marcus (Edit) Rating: Oct 2, 2002
Delightful story. Erotic without being crude. A pity it has been left unfinished. (9/10)

Reviewer: dopey1947 (Edit) Rating: Sep 25, 2002
Roman theme is great! Looking for more exhibitions -- very well done! Will Helena be rented out to the lesbian at the exhibition for Claudia's "friends"? Will the sadist who was there also have some time with her? Will we have another orgy like that at the Senator's villa? Can't wait for further chapters. (10/10)

Reviewer: Taisho (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2001
Ancient Rome makes a wonderfully decadent setting so I was immediately sold on the theme :) Personally thought the characters were fine; especially the wicked Claudia! The whole idea of the girl being publicly stripped and exhibited for examination is wonderfully juicy and well executed. I loved it! More on the Roman theme please! (10/10)

Reviewer: ownedgirl (Edit) Rating: Oct 17, 2001
Not at all a bad story, but was lacking in creativity and detail. All of the characters seemed so one dimensional. The author never gave the reader a chance to know them. (6/10)

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