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Disobedience Author: AlphaBeatHer
(Added on Apr 2, 2007) (This month 73303 readers) (Total 92950 readers)
A wife learns to surrrender absolutely to her loving, but strict husband and his very demanding sexual needs.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: Sextoymaker (Edit) Rating: Apr 9, 2007
I enjoyed this one. For a short story the writing was great and absorbing. Thank you for sharing it. (9/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 13, 2007)
Thanks for your kind comments. Please look out for the follow up sections 'Development' and 'Guests'.

Reviewer: pinkprincess1791 (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2007
Reading about the vaginal, and oral, sex turned me on. I enjoyed it. But, I had to stop reading, when I started reading about having the penis first in the buutt, then mouth. That seemed too gross for me. (6/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 5, 2007)
Yes Princess ass2mouth is gross, but so good. It is for her to make sure that her arse is really squeaky clean before she does duty for her Master so that she avoids having too unpleasant a time when it goes in her mouth.
It is an important part of her training that she accepts sex in ANY way the her Master wants it and the humiliation involved in having to suck a penis that has come straight from her butt is very important for her in remembering her role.

Reviewer: tltslv (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2007
I think this is a superb story, both well written and very credible. I am looking forward to seeing how far the husband takes his wife. For example, will she replace toilet tissue? At this point, only our fine author knows! (9/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 4, 2007)
He will take her quite a long way and she will go there wilingly. Look out for 'Development' the next stage. I have already posted it and the site administrator will no doubt put it up soon.

Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2007
i certainly felt the writing style fitted the character. it seemed to me to be very english, maybe stereotypically, but stereotypes develop for a reason! i enjoyed the story, and the writing was good, but i did not feel terribly engaged by it. that said, it was written more as a report, than as an article to arouse i felt, and as such it succeeded very well. (8/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 4, 2007)
Stereotypes do develop for a reason. I do not think that this relationship is a typical English marriage, but some have elements of this. The report style is deliberate of course, but if you have suggestions for how it could be more engaging for yu I will be happy to consider them.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2007
wonderfull start I hope you plan to add more (8/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 4, 2007)
Yes there is more coming. Please keep reading. If you have any suggestions for inclusion in the stories please let me know and I will consider them.

Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Apr 2, 2007
Spectacular! A tale well told in a style that befits the teller. This story has a Swedish (or scandinavian) flavor with a stoic naviete that accepts the unexpected. Nicely written and explained. YES! She should taste the results of her expanded responsibilites. And another 3 (at least) chapters to describe in detail the progression of her obedience. (9/10)
Replied by: AlphaBeatHer (Edit) (Apr 3, 2007)
Thank you for that very nice review. I am interested in the Scandinavian reference. I am English and thought the viewpoint to be a very English one. I have posted another chapter dealing with the progression of her obedience. It is called Development, but I am not sure whether I posted it correctly to appear as Part 2 or whether it will appear as another story.

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