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Life with my ex and her new husband Author: Stevie Richardson
(Added on May 6, 2007) (This month 52711 readers) (Total 65346 readers)
After a humiliating divorce, a submissive man agrees to become a nanny/housekeeper for his ex-wife and her new husband.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: Deborah Ford (Edit) Rating: Sep 22, 2012
I am sure you have had so much praise by now for your tale of "life with my ex wife and her new husband" that you won't mind me adding to it. Brilliant!
I am wondering if you have any other stories as I have a site seeking to safeguard similar works.
You may not know the authors but classic writers on this field such as C.C., Timothy Reisling Betticut, amongst many others are supportive, as I keep adding to their stories on my site.
If you have a moment please drop me a line. If not thank you for an exciting story.
Deborah Ford
(my most famous story is called The Hotel) (10/10)

Reviewer: Clepsidra (Edit) Rating: Aug 18, 2007
This looks very interesting. Sounds promissing, and you have a nice grasp on grammar and spelling, so itīs pleasant to read.
Do you mind if I give a few sugestions? Work a little on the coupleīs personality - especially John. Is he a sadistic, is he just having fun at Steveīs expense, whatīs he thinking? I know weīll probably find out when they start with the discipline, but still. Just saying. Same with Michelle. How does she feel about Steve now? Iīm saying this because it will make the humiliation more powerful. After all, Steveīs not a child- and thatīs what makes it good.
Oh, and speaking of children... Iīd go easy on the subject of his sons. Geez. Iīm cringing so hard just to imagine him being punished in fromt of them. On the other hand, that might be exaclty the point, so I donīt know... heh.
Just keep going. Like I said, this looks very promissing. Iīll be waiting for the next chapters. Iīd give a higher rating, but the action didnīt started yet, so... Iīll be waiting. ;) (7/10)

Reviewer: trainmanretep (Edit) Rating: May 7, 2007
Interesting concept. Looking forward to further chapters (6/10)

Reviewer: slaveneedledick (Edit) Rating: May 6, 2007
The pretense of the story is a good one. I hope to read more. (7/10)

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