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Samantha's love and pain Author: sandra sloan
(Added on May 29, 2007) (This month 52347 readers) (Total 66879 readers)
Samantha is a really successful bussiness woman but gets into trouble with dire consequences and unexpected results

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: May 31, 2007
all the elements of a good story a little bit of everything (7/10)

Reviewer: KlaudiusRex (Edit) Rating: May 30, 2007
As chksng19 says, there are plenty of spellcheck errors.
As for the formating, i copy-pasted it into word where it looked much better with neat paragraphs. It was written in word, was it not?
The story is quite nice however when one looks away from the format errors. (7/10)

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: May 30, 2007
Lots of word errors; look like spell-check was the source (compute instead of computer, for example). Serious concerns with the formatting of the story; even in the tiniest print, one has to go back and forth. Try asking the Mod to fix it, or redo it in doc format with a standard page size and resubmit.
Good content, though, and interesting. (7/10)

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