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Swashbuckler's Slave Author: Tyjord
(Added on Jun 12, 2007) (This month 50953 readers) (Total 59584 readers)
A pirate adventure on the high seas, featuring two dominant women, a submissive male who knows his place, and the mystery that ties them all together. Not as extremem as my other stories, more of an experiment on my part.

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Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (5/10)
Average Rating: (4.5/10)
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Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jul 18, 2007
the story is ok but not sure how eealtic it is, even as a fantasy, a story has to be believable (5/10)

Reviewer: azrlg17 (Edit) Rating: Jun 14, 2007
Interesting concept. But the main characters are sooo over the top unrealistic it hurts. One woman finds her long lost brother but has no problems at all with her second in command torturing him. She even encourages it. Even when his life is endangered. The second in command is in love with the boy and continues to subject him to inhuman torture. And of course the boy immediately falls in love with her. Every one of these character is unbelievable but all 3 combined make the story crap.
At least grammar and spelling are OK. (4/10)
Replied by: tyjord (Edit) (Jun 16, 2007)
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my story. I'm sorry it was not your cup of tea. I usually take the opinions of reviewers very seriously, however, your use of the word "crap" decidedly takes away from the validity of your review and honestly drags your comments down to grade school level. It is beneath you as a reviewer.
I did however, find you amusing, so I will endeavor to address your main concern. In case you haven't figured this out, I don't write reality. This is not a biography. It is a story about pirates...female pirates at that. Might I suggest that if you want pirate reality, you check out Pirates of the Caribbean? Nothing screams reality quite like a foppish dandy of a pirate, a squid-headed antagonist and a Leviathan. Or perhaps Pirate Master on television would be more to your liking. After all, that, by definition, is reality. Your concerns about the characters are very accurate. They are indeed over the top. However, you seem to object to their having values and scruples that differ from those found acceptable in today's world. They do not live in today's world. Again, we're talking female pirates here, who live on an island populated by male slaves. I doubt their value system, emotional development or social graces would be anything like what you would find acceptable or believable.
Again, I do thank you for taking the time to post your comments. And while the story obviously was not to your liking, I am happy with what I ended up with.
Replied by: azrlg17 (Edit) (Jul 6, 2007)
You misunderstand me. I don't have a problem with fantasy. I haven't written anything about how there never were female pirates, how they probably wouldn't physically be able to do it, that such an island wouldn't work, etc,...
I accept all that because as you said it's fantasy. I only have a problem with the captain. Sure she has a different value system. But some things are universal unless you're insane or deranged or obsessed (like a jilted lover). I didn't see any traces of that in the captain. One of the universal things is that you don't torture people you love. I don't mean like in an SM relationship because there you obviously do because the other wants it. But that was not the case in your story. Even Caligula loved his sister and didn't torture her.
Oh and don't take the "crap" personally.

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