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First we Talk. Then I rape. Author: Book of Evils
(Added on Jul 7, 2007) (This month 53436 readers) (Total 71801 readers)
It was time for our first conversation since I'd captured the mother and her daughter. Before any physical abuse came my mental games, which I enjoyed almost (that's almost) as much.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Sep 25, 2007
As usual, I find it difficult to rate the stories of BofE, mostly because he is writing with a different purpose in mind than most writers. The power and violence of language, and often nothing BUT language, is a common theme, and here is the whole basis of the story (at least, as posted so far).
I've struggled in previous reviews to explain what I think is going on with the dialogue, which is not so much realistic as 'hyper-real' - as if a long, two handed prose poem. The language switches from a very serious, consciously 'over-written' Godlike narrator style, to a lustful, violent, desperate, oversexed voice; sometimes within the same sentence.
With the violence done through speech, a physical assault would almost be an anti-climax. (9/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Sep 25, 2007)
Hi again Brad:
As usual, many thanks for your rating and the insights you attach to it.
I suppose the scary aspect is being able to keep the events on the fantasy side of the fence and not on the reality side, as everything happens in the mind first.
I suppose, the mental health gurus would say I'm engaging in a dangerous practice and I'm not sure I could disagree with them.
Anyhow, keep on enjoying.
Have three stories pretty well finished, and one comes so close to the line(s), I don't know if it'll stay posted or even if I should post it in the first place. Something about what another reviewer said about my Christmas Editorial piece, which you also reviewed said as follows --- I don’t believe it is particularly wise to “deliberately twist the tiger’s tail” in pushing the boundaries of free speech and artistic license in the way that this story does. The new story I'm putting the finishing re-writes to, goes way beyond the Christmas piece.
Perhaps you could respond with suggestions about the warnings I should attach to such an outrageous piece before I post it.
Replied by: Mothbrad (Edit) (Sep 26, 2007)
BofE, email sent.

Reviewer: JonMaddux (Edit) Rating: Jul 24, 2007
cant wait to see what happens (9/10)

Reviewer: Elkor (Edit) Rating: Jul 14, 2007
Definitely and a new slant on stories from what I've read. The only major suggestion I have is running a spell check. Two typos were "littte" and "tea-shirt" (it's tee-shirt).
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Jul 15, 2007)
Hello Elkor:
On the positive side, I certainly thank you and appreciate the nine stars you assigned to my effort.
On the negative, it might be reasonable to assume for twelve pages of writing, that I already did utilize a spell check feature, in fact several times, and indeed missed the wrong 't' in little. The problem with writing for a site like this is that I am my own editor and proof-reader which doesn't make for the most ideal arrangement.
With regards to tea-shirt, I suggest you Google my version. There are only 2,500,000 entries for it spelled my way. One of which follows.
Still, overall, I appreciate the rating you saw fit to attach to the story.

Reviewer: Lee Boudine (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
VEERRY INTERESTING............promising action in the next segment.
I hope that the author will show the same patience in stripping the mother and daughter so that their humiliation can be further enjoyed. I look forward to the next episode.. (8/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Jul 10, 2007)
Hello Lee:
Thanks for the support. Hopefully the next segment will be just as if you are there - participating.

Reviewer: Deputy Duffy (Edit) Rating: Jul 9, 2007
I liked the story. Wanted to kick the cocky narrator in the teeth. So I guess it worked. (7/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Jul 9, 2007)
Hello Deputy Duffy:
An endorsement of a different stripe. Thanks for the support and taking the effort to review.

Reviewer: piero1076 (Edit) Rating: Jul 9, 2007
Written with intelligence, quality of detail and intrigue. Well done! (9/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Jul 9, 2007)
Hello piero1076:
I must say, one of the most pleasing reviews I've received for any of my efforts. You have stated what I was seeking to achieve and am very pleased you've recognized it.
A sincere and heart-felt thank-you.

Reviewer: russbo50 (Edit) Rating: Jul 8, 2007
Though this story is at its very beginnings it has the promise of being excellent. As a professional writer myself I liked the style and attention to detail. Most stories I read here tend to be interested only in getting off at the earliest possibility. This one is intent on building the story. The only complaint I have is that it should have went a bit farther prior to ending the first posting. Keep up the good work. (7/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Jul 9, 2007)
Hello russbo50:
First and foremost, thanks for the support and encouragement. Coming from a fellow word smith, it carries considerable additional weight.
It's a bit of a tricky subject delineating the content of my stories which are consistently brutal and seemingly horrid to many, but just as they should be, for a select few who understand the deeper content I'm attempting to convey. Hope that makes sense. What I'm attempting to do, first and foremost, is convey realism. How could it be, and how would it likely be, in the different circumstances I've created. Just as you've observed, I cannot relate to other stories on this site which go to unrealistic extremes or which don't take the effort to develop the psychological content of the dynamics between perpetrator and victim.
As for ending the first instalment too soon, I'm sure, you know from first hand experience, these stories take considerable time and effort to complete. The writing and the numerous re-writes. To best get some insight, if you wish to, read the reply I made to Smith and Wesson (who I believe to be a police officer) who was somewhat outraged that I would denigrate what happened to Kristen French in the real life murder case by Paul Bernardo. - It's the Christmas Editorial piece. If you feel so inclined, let me know what you think.
Again, I thank you for your support.
I consider it valuable.

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