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Things My Future Husband Will Do If He Really Loves Me Author: FAYE KANE
(Added on Jul 7, 2007) (This month 65453 readers) (Total 93018 readers)
want to be humiliated, embarrassed, denied things, sexually tortured, given to his friends to rape, and then locked in a closet.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 16
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3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 2 Votes 5 Votes 3 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19% 0% 0% 0% 6% 13% 13% 31% 0% 19%
Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (6.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: sckfck (Edit) Rating: Dec 4, 2014
Alright, so it's a list and not a story. It's still good. I'll read some of her stories now, and I really hope she used some of the scenes she described here.

Reviewer: supiluliuma (Edit) Rating: May 8, 2012
look great but it is only a catalog. One or more ideas must be developed. (5/10)

Reviewer: Polecat (Edit) Rating: Jan 5, 2008
This is so hot.
Very original too. It's more a wish list than a story. Would make a great pre-nup. (10/10)

Reviewer: Pussycat Sam (Edit) Rating: Aug 7, 2007
Very different Faye, I liked your approach. And I loved some of your ideas, they made me hornier than I've been reading stuff here all morning! Nice one!
If I were a bloke I'd marry you tomorrow! Shame I'm not really. lol
Keep em coming girl!
Love Sam.
xxx (7/10)

Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: Jul 14, 2007
My review is based entirely on the fact that is not a story: It's a shopping list. As for the complaints of your use of "negro", I will remind everyone that fiction does not have to be politically correct except for fascists. (1/10)

Reviewer: bobanddianne (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2007
Incredibly wild ideas, will there be more? We've dreamed of such things, but never put them in print. (10/10)

Reviewer: WyldWyl (Edit) Rating: Jul 13, 2007
A little troubling in places, but I enjoyed the ideas and found the unorthdox style fun. Good effort! (8/10)

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2007
This is so not a short story ... but rather a laundry list of what makes you hot. Oh, and it is very politically incorrect to use the word "negroes"! Shame on you!
Seriously ... this is not a story! (1/10)

Reviewer: bracemaiden (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
I have to agree with kandyecaned that it's not a story, but a list. ie: it lacks character development and plot. The negro remark was also a downer. A few creative ideas though! (6/10)

Reviewer: badcatholicgirl (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
i very much like it. no I didnt like the negro remark, but anything else is pretty good. I good little maschoist dream (8/10)

Reviewer: kandyecaned (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
well; It's not a story but a list. You also are racist,(negro remark) and you insult those with autism.
Some of the fantasys are good, but most are grossly unattainable. I enjoy pain humiliation and degradation, but this didn't do much for me. (1/10)

Reviewer: Rasputins_Memory (Edit) Rating: Jul 9, 2007
Some of this stuff is exciting. Some of it is funny. Mainly the piece reels on too long and seems to be satirizing itself. If it is a satire you can go a bit broader (get the pun). If it isn't a satire then you need to consider its pacing and probably edit out some of the items that don't really contribute. It would be much more powerful if you built up a little at a time to the snuff at the end. Just my thoughts, of course. (6/10)

Reviewer: pollycoventry (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2007

Reviewer: easyrider27 (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2007
okay, I rated you an eight because it was a good read, but I didn't appreciate the comment about "negros". That was low-class, racist and kind of trashy. Beyond that, it was a good read, though. (8/10)

Reviewer: Guiller (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2007
"You'll probably get lots of marriage proposals from it"
Me firstĦĦ :)
(I mean i liked the story) (7/10)

Reviewer: SimonMagick (Edit) Rating: Jul 7, 2007
Some clever masochistic humiliations. You obviously have been masturbating to these ideas for some time, Faye. It turned you into a dumb bunny. You'll probably get lots of marriage proposals from it, but I wouldn't. I would be glad to do about half that stuff to you though. (8/10)

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