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The Dinner Party - The O'Connell Chronicles Author: H. Dean
(Added on Jul 10, 2007) (This month 129092 readers) (Total 207741 readers)
A dinner party turns to terror for a helpless young girl.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 13
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: Demonmonsterdave (Edit) Rating: Aug 20, 2007
Fantastic piece of work. I have now read your entire back catalogue, and I must say it has inspired me to try my hand again. You have a great sense of the imagery of intensity you are evoking for the victim. Your characters are well-rounded and believable, and your style is concise and well-suited to your tale.
Thanks very much for such a great and imaginitive piece of work. Well done indeed! I am Demonmonsterdave at gmail. (9/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 21, 2007)
Thank you very kindly for the review. I must admit it is quite gratifying to know that you have read my entire library of stories and even more gratifying to know I have insired you to get back to your own writings. I hope you find this story's ending to your satisfaction - it should be up shortly.

Reviewer: heycarrieanne (Edit) Rating: Aug 3, 2007
My only complaint is that it is too short! But I am sure you add to the torment of many as you add to it! I look forward to raising my score to a "10"!
As disappointed as I am that you aren't turning her into a doggie, I do like the direction you are taking by making her beg to be a slave! You are very very very bad! (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2007)
Thank you for the lofty 9 and promises of 10. In return I will promise that I have not even begun the torment. I have merely hinted at it. The real torment begins in the next chapter.
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Jul 14, 2007)
Well, let's get to it, Mister!!! {{giggles}}
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 14, 2007)
No patience at all!
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Jul 26, 2007)
Patience is soooo not a virtue of mine! But as sloooooooow as this development has been, I am so exciting he is going to turn her into a doggy! Woof! Woof!
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 4, 2007)
"Bad" as in you like it, I guess. It gets worse, by the way.
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Aug 11, 2007)
{{{looks at watch, taps foot, sighs}} Well, I am waiting for it to get REALLLLLY bad!!!!
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 12, 2007)
I guess you weren't satisfied with the girl's horror, eh? Well, there is one more part to the story. It's a total let down.
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Aug 24, 2007)
Psssst Are you EVER gonna finish this one????
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Nov 23, 2007)
I had a major computer problem that is unresolved. This is finished and I hope to get the ending up soon.

Reviewer: bmtphoenix (Edit) Rating: Aug 1, 2007
There should be an 11 for you...MORE MORE! :D (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 1, 2007)
Do you hear that, Rabbit? We need an 11, like that guy in Spinal Tap!
**Bmtphoenix, I do appreciate your review and enthusiasm for my little tale. I just finished editing (I think) the next chapter and, after a final look over, I intend on submitting it. Rest assured that this story is long finished and will soon be up here in its complete form as soon as the edits are done.

Reviewer: Lottie (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2007
You're an excellent advertisement for 'Writers Block' if this is the quality it produces. ;p
I might have to put myself through its paces...the plot, the creativity and thought behind each's simply suberb. I'll be checking out more of your work.
10/10 (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 25, 2007)
I do appreciate the kind words and the lofty rating. I do hope you will forgive my early writing. It was not so good as it is now - I think I still need vast amounts of improvements.
As for the writer's block - I am an instructor there. Had I known about it when I first began writing my earlier stories would have been better crafted and I would be more crafty.
Thanks again for the very generous review.

Reviewer: M.Jim (Edit) Rating: Jul 18, 2007
I really enjoyed "One Man's Art" and hoped the you would go into more detail eventually about the creaton of the Statue, Desk, Coffee Table, Chair, Lamp and Sofa. I liked the addition of and the details about the coat rack but missed the Coffee Table, Chair, Lamp and Sofa. This was the only reason I did not give it a 10. I think mentioning the Coffee Table, Chair, Lamp and Sofa in a revision to chapter 3 will better explain why Francis needs their help and improve the continuity between the stories. (9/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 18, 2007)
I see how you are, using my older stories against me! I will have to sick Beatrice on you for that! Good to know you are following this chronicle and that you are finding it enjoyable. Also thanks for the kind rating and the review.
There won't be a revision of chapter three, but I do intend on explaining away the absence of those things you mentioned - at least if I can remember to do so. I will explain to you here that certain items that were glossed over in "One Man's Art" seemed a bit past my own realm of imagining once I tried working out the details the transformation and their lives. Also, the more I thought on it, they weren't artistic enough for Francis. He sort of took on a life of his own in this tale, as did Beatrice. Anyhow, I do hope you stick with this story and let me know how you think I managed to connect the dots.

Reviewer: Night Writer (Edit) Rating: Jul 17, 2007
A riveting beginning to a tale that promises to get much darker - and I do love the dark stuff. This gallery of horrors has it all - interesting characters, superb dialog, and a style that's close to my twisted heart. Must have more - must have more... (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 18, 2007)
Quite the complement coming from you. Thank you for so many kind words and the encouragement. I am slowly editing and making sure not to rush those fixes. I just hope I live up to expectations.
Replied by: Night Writer (Edit) (Jul 24, 2007)
Deliciously darker all the time. There is something in this work that speaks to me in such a satisfying way. The originality, the precision with which you tell it, and the very calculated, icy slide toward a Giger-like horror show, I think. Just fascinating.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 25, 2007)
So nice to see you are still enjoying this. I do hope that the ending doesn't disappoint.
Replied by: Night Writer (Edit) (Aug 5, 2007)
Loved chapter 6 - but dammit, now I really want one of those mermaid fountain thingies, you know, with the water-jet nipples and matching koi pond. Maybe I could find a volunteer here - Christmas is right around the corner...
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 8, 2007)
Maybe Tessa is up to the task of it. She would be lovely as a fountain. Part 7 is submitted and shoudl be up for the reading in a couple days.
Replied by: Night Writer (Edit) (Aug 9, 2007)
Night "Stanley Kowalski" Writer: Tessaaaaaaa!!!!
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Aug 12, 2007)
She is noticably absent. I think she might be scared.

Reviewer: J's blu (Edit) Rating: Jul 16, 2007
girl apologises for getting here so late! have been otherwise occupied You understand. :) and of course i luv Your evil mind! You know i am fascinated and terrified all at the same time that is what keeps me cumming back lets face it. (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 16, 2007)
You are a glutton for punishment. I do hope this makes you cringe as much you ever have. This is a different sort of evil than I usually create. Still, I think it has that touch you love to hate.
Thanks for stopping by and offering the big numbered review. Come back soon - there is so much more.

Reviewer: bracemaiden (Edit) Rating: Jul 14, 2007
Interesting start, I'm interested to know where it will go from here.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 14, 2007)
Nice to see you visiting my story. Thanks for the quick review. I promise that it all goes downhill from here. It's just not a nice story.

Reviewer: orangeblossoms (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2007
You and that sinister mind! But this story is absolutely perfect, even without the editing! I love it because its so dark, fits my mood in the past few weeks perfectly, and Im glad that I don't have to wait for the other parts, because I don't really think I could if I had too. You always have me anxiously awaiting the next one, and keep in mind that a new story about a man having his very own little doggy slave, might be very interesting! (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 12, 2007)
Thank you very much for the kind review. It seems you have a story in mind, youself. Perhaps you should write one. It might be quite interesting.
Replied by: orangeblossoms (Edit) (Jul 12, 2007)
Heh, I wish, I'd get too dazed in the middle of it, as I tend to do. Its hard enough to even write a regular email, if you know what I mean!
Replied by: heycarrieanne (Edit) (Jul 14, 2007)
Ohhhhhh ... doggy slave story??? I am always in favor of those!!!

Reviewer: tessa (Edit) Rating: Jul 11, 2007
Even the synopsis is perfect! H Dean at his best! Outstandingly horrific and wickedly evil. Pure erotic delight put in story form. A must read! (And so damned hot, I can't even type the review in complete sentences.) (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2007)
Why, thank you, Tessa. Your review is most appreciated, if a bit tainted by your knowledge of what is to come. I should have made you wait for the fully edited rendition. But then, you might have gnawed my arm off if I had.
Replied by: tessa (Edit) (Jul 12, 2007)
Gnawed??? I would have chewed that arm clean off! Well, it would have been quite messy, but you get my point, I'm sure.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: Jul 11, 2007
Delightful, well-told, and full to the brim of evil (in the good sense). Congrats on a story well-told, and I hope there is lots more! (10/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 11, 2007)
Well, thank you for another lofty rating and review, Chksng19. There is much more of the story and it gets quite a bit more evil. Chapter two was submitted last night and, as soon as I can edit, I will submit chapter three. I can't remember for certain but I believe this is seven or eight chapters of evil.

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
H Dean is an excellent writer with a long track record here. Many of his stories are outside of my realm of interest, but this one looks to have a great deal of potential. I hope that there is more to come, and that it gets even meaner. (9/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 10, 2007)
Thank you for high rating and your lofty comments regarding my writing. I promise that there is more to come. I promise it is mean. In fact, this is probably one of my meanest stories.

Reviewer: Rabbit1 (Edit) Rating: Jul 10, 2007
well if it is messed up you can blame Mad Lews
lol ---another great story thanks (9/10)
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jul 10, 2007)
I'll blame Mad for anything I can. I had a flat tire today and I know it was Mad!
Thanks for the rating, Rabbit.

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