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The Research Subject Author: SensoryOverlord
(Added on Jul 26, 2007) (This month 61355 readers) (Total 81674 readers)
Some porn stories leave lasting impressions. In her case, very lasting.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50%
Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Dec 7, 2010
A tip of the hat to Jimmy Jump for bringing this old chestnut back to life. I'd like to second the motion for a continuance, your honor. (As an aside, this story does not appear when I click on the author hyperlink; I need to search for it especially, by title.)
Am I correct in assuming that this was a story you wrote by request, and that you are the 'internet author' referred to in the story? Sorry I couldn't go to a '9' or '10' but, while well written from a technical standpoint, I suspect most of the 'heat' is in the sections not included. I did find it amazingly 'realistic', which is my new buzzword. (8/10)
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Dec 7, 2010)
On the stories main page, do a search for 'author' SensoryOverlord. There's four other delicious stories by his hand. That the two 'SensoryOverlord' accounts aren't connected seems to be a glitch after the server went belly-up a couple of months ago, because there's quite a lot of writers with two identically named accounts all of a sudden.
Replied by: Curtis (Edit) (Dec 8, 2010)
Good advice, Jimmy. Grazie.

Reviewer: Deputy Duffy (Edit) Rating: Jan 23, 2010
Great writing style kept me wanting more long after I was done. Glad I went back and found this one. (9/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jul 30, 2007
This story is written in a style I really like, and for a change the execution is perfect.
Most authors would get annoying by giving too many facts or the wrong ones or both.
Here, following the surmising, diagnosis, propositions and way of treatment by the different doctors, through the eyes of the patient as she reads her own medical file, is just a treat...
It has been a while since I came across a story of this genre that was so well treated as this one. I even come to suspect the author of not being unfamiliar with medical documents. In a professional way, I mean.
I'm never one to urge writers to continue with a story, but I sure hope 'Subject' has a couple of chapters to go, still.
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: C_Lakewood (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2007
I almost never award a 10, and I tried mightily
to find sufficient reason to give it a 9...but
I can't. For me, this is an undoubted 10.
Perhaps not everyone will agree with me -- not
everyone is as interested in female orgasm denial
as I am. Yet, I cannot imagine anyone giving it
less than a 9. It's very well-written, crisp and
clean, and with just the right tone throughout.
Bravo! (10/10)

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