The Parker Gang
Author: Alice Parker
(Added on Oct 17, 2007)
(This month 51800 readers) (Total 60517 readers) |
I suppose in this day of internet I have the unusual task of advising you that no, I am not a sweaty 45 year old bald man in a food stained t-shirt. I actually am a woman in the american mid-west. I have hair that hangs past my waist, I am tall, considered to be attractive and a female coworker told me the other day that I have "such a pretty figure" You can fill in the rest for now. |
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Average (?): (7.5/10) |
Rating: (8/10) |
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Oct 6, 2010 |
A perfect tenner for Alice Parker's reply to baldie Al'Thor... Story has been removed, but reposted with two dots behind the title, so I'm off to read it. Cheerio. JJ (10/10)
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Oct 24, 2007 |
Due to the remarks of people being bald as ugly, i did not even take the time to read the story. (1/10)
- Replied by:
Alice Parker
(Edit) (Oct 24, 2007)
- Dearest Susie Pusspants,
I never said bald people were ugly. To the contrary I have had some very lovely men between my legs that had sometimes much less than a full head of hair. I was simply trying to circumvent a common question that is emailed to me. If something in that description struck a nerve then you may want to take a shower and put on a clean shirt. I am sorry that you chose to exercise your right to PMS on my watch. Since you are here I will assume you have the kleenex; perhaps you should go watch Terms of Endearment and come back when you are feeling less puffy. You may actually enjoy yourself. At this juncture I would also like to suggest that you either stay away from my stories completely or suck it up and see if we can't put this all behind us so that we can get off to a better start. I wouldn't mind a bad review if it were warranted or made any type of sense; however this whole pre-review thing isn't going to fly.
Wiley Hunter
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Oct 22, 2007 |
This is the first story I've read by Alice Parker, and it matches up extremely well with my kinks. The writing is just descriptive enough to give a good sense of the action without being so descriptive as to distract from the visual picture. The pacing is just right too--not too much setup to bore the reader, but enough to understand the main character. (10/10)
- Replied by:
Alice Parker
(Edit) (Oct 24, 2007)
- Thank you so much! Welcome to my world and I hope that I can continue to please you going forward.
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Oct 22, 2007 |
excellent story, and i loved your description of yourself in the storyline (9/10)
- Replied by:
Alice Parker
(Edit) (Oct 24, 2007)
- Thank you! I am very glad you enjoyed it!
Abe Froman
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Rating: |
Oct 22, 2007 |
Rough, raw, intense... well written in such a way to draw me into kinds I don't even share. Well done! (8/10)
- Replied by:
Alice Parker
(Edit) (Oct 24, 2007)
- Mr. Froman, it is truly an honor to have you enjoy my little stories! Thank you!