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Rainy Day Women Author: Benfan
(Added on Jan 3, 2008) (This month 58988 readers) (Total 76883 readers)
Holly and Jasmine make their contributations to the global climate database.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
3 Votes
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 50% 0% 17%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: SamCurious (Edit) Rating: Dec 11, 2011
another beautifully written piece. (7/10)

Reviewer: hoodedandmasked (Edit) Rating: Jan 11, 2008
Powerful and evocative descriptions - particularly liked the unexpected "knock on wood" at the end! Thank you. (8/10)

Reviewer: bmtphoenix (Edit) Rating: Jan 7, 2008
Maybe it's because I have a good imagination, I don't know, but this was just excellent to me. More! :D (10/10)

Reviewer: Mad Lews (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2008
I think part of the problem alluded to is the unevenness of the descriptions. You begin with some rather detailed and clinical images of your weather equipment (very western). Then you go on to describe the inspiration for this menagerie. This IMHO is the redeeming feature of the story as it turns out to be a rather poetic, image of a very eastern concept. Very well done, especially the ending
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (Jan 7, 2008)
Mad...Lews...whoever wrote this review...I think you hit it right on. There was a shift that didn't sit well with me. of the two of smarter than I thought.
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Jan 8, 2008)
Thanks for the detailed comments, they're helpful. FWIW, Ben's memory of Japan was supposed to be dreamy, evoking both his personal memory and the ancient japanese bondage traditions, seen through the hazy lens of romantic memory rather than in cold documentary style. The shift in style and "feel" was deliberate. So it sounds like I achieved somewhat of the contrast that i was attempting, but most people don't like it - LOL! Fair enough, thanks again for the comments.

Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: Jan 4, 2008
This had a rather dreamy fel about it - something I really liked. Unfortunately, I had difficulty imagining the women in their positions, which left me wanting a bit. This is a good piece - well written, as usual - I just can't quite find my way to really enjoy it the way I want to. (8/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Jan 4, 2008)
Thanks for the comments HD. I have been trying to pare down my descriptions to make them more evocative and less clinical and long-winded, but maybe I've gone too far in the other direction. I've sent a slightly edited version where the descriptions may be little clearer, and will post that to the yahoo group also.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 4, 2008
not realy sure what to make ofthe story, it read ok (7/10)
Replied by: Benfan (Edit) (Jan 4, 2008)
Well, there's no deep meaning or anything, it's just meant as a sexy little vignette, a view through the keyhole upon these scenes. Thanks for the 7/10 despite the aparrent lack of satisfaction!

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