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Anna Author: Excalibur
(Added on Mar 23, 2008) (This month 116854 readers) (Total 158331 readers)
a girl finds things to do during her school holidays

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: saxman66 (Edit) Rating: Apr 5, 2011

Good detailed story. Was expecting Anna, being such a bitch, was in for a nasty shock. Then wondered, as she started enjoying her career as a porn star whether the story was going in a different direction. You suddenly get Ally revealed as a brutal sadistic slaver and from then things go down the tube for Anna and her unlucky friend Sally.
The character of her various owners is also interesting as it displays them flaws and all from the stupid Haaraan to the brutal final two owners. In a way it's a pity that the only one who shows any actual foresight in use of the slaves loses out because he's betrayed by one of his staff.
There is one very odd point in the story, where Ally decides to approach the parents of both girls and offer them money as compensation. Why?? He's obviously an experienced slaver and what thief would, having got away with his crime, go back to the victims [well, some of them] and admit his activities. Especially since given his actions their anger and hostility is almost certain to occur. Murdering them is risky as that high-lights the disappearance of the girls even if they don't leave any evidence or tell anyone before their murdered. Enough fuss and you might even see Colin, who doesn't seem to be involved in the darker side of the activities might both recognize the missing girl as his star actress who has disappeared. He’s unlikely to come clear since that would expose him to child-pornography charges, despite him and the actors being basically innocent as they didn’t realize Anna’s age but if they get suspicious enough that something nasty has happened to her.
I could see, since Ally has a deep malicious streak, that if egotistic enough to believe he could get away with it he might murder Anna’s parents as a way of tormenting her further. That would also fit with the way he treated Sally, making things as brutal as possible for her rather than seek to train her properly for a role as a slave. Or he could even have faked the attack in some way but actually approaching them seems both pointless and stupid. He may be an evil bastard but he doesn’t appear that thick so this point doesn’t fit at all.
If the story is ever continued I wonder how much longer Anna will last. The treatment by her final [as current] master seems designed to complete her destruction and he seems intent on only getting ~2-3 years out of her then disposing of her.

Reviewer: Miss Suki (Edit) Rating: Apr 9, 2010
Plot, character development, everything was well-thought out. Not fast-paced, but not too slow to bore either. Could be an e-book! I look forward to reading more about Anna in the future. (9/10)

Reviewer: ramses (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2008
Very nice story. (8/10)

Reviewer: Venom (Edit) Rating: Apr 1, 2008
Once again good work, Excalibur! (8/10)

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