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The Governess Author: Jane Marwood
(Added on Dec 15, 2001) (This month 137470 readers) (Total 215798 readers)
Richard from the orphanage was caught playing in a private pool by these two rich girls. He was made to choose between punishment by the orphanage or by them. The choice was obvious. And Richard's new adventure in the old fashion discipline just began.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 21
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
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Lowest Rating: (3/10)

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Reviewer: talmet (Edit) Rating: Apr 14, 2011
Seriously the best story in these archives... more please jane ! (10/10)

Reviewer: hemmingwhey (Edit) Rating: May 18, 2010
I enjoyed my introduction to Richard's life. Perhaps envious and intrigued as a perfect reflection of my less than perfect upbringing. I am new to FEMALE DOMINANT LITERATURE although I have read the classics of the genre. I read the poor critique by Cloudnine. Not a great advert for someone who purports to be a successful published author. What is he doing here, where is his work? I found the governess ticked all the boxes for me. I wanted Richard to be treated this way and I wanted the love and care to shine through - which it did. I found it comforting and exciting - a careful and sympathetic treatment of a young boy who is managed beautifully by his female superiors. Of course it could do with editing and I wrote to Miss Marwood with this in view. Her answer was that "she writes as she feels and never re-reads or edits. She writes for her own pleasure and posts for others to read if they are so inclined." I find it pleasurable and uplifting to find her stories so echo my own predilections and thoughts. Having read (I believe) every other F/m story on the site - they do not compare. I find most of them crude and trashy. I don't know if writers get paid for their work, but I understand that they don't. If that is so, then we have an altruistic work, that I have already read many times. Whether I have more imagination than CloudNine - I don't know, but I have no difficulty in picturing rooms, outdoor setting or dress. I have a very clear image of Diane, Veronica, Wendy etc. So somewhere along the line the author has steered me in the right direction. I suppose if Miss Marwood was writing for financial reward then perhaps she would bother to edit. As the story stands I think it is the best I have read on the net. It is undeserving of a derisory mark of three points. Either one wants to encourage writers and I selfishly would like to encourage this particular genre. There will always be people who are happy to get things for free - and then moan because it doesn't entirely suit them. Perhaps Miss Marwood would be kind enough to prod CloudNine's prostate with his critique. (10/10)

Reviewer: CloudNine (Edit) Rating: Jul 31, 2007
This epic started with much promise. The plot was actually very well conceived and if handled correctly this story would have been gripping. Sadly, however, in that respect, it failed in my eyes. It soon became clear that Jane's grasp of grammar wavered between average and actually quite poor. Also, the way she handled certain situations was very limited and lacked proper descriptive. This was a problem in two areas. First of all, the descriptive 'in situ' (i.e. surroundings, clothes, people's appearance, etc.) could have been expanded allowing our minds to see the picture more clearly. Secondly, the words used to describe actions were very repetitive and sometimes tiring.
One of the biggest problems for me was Jane's lack of book-craft. As a successful author with 6 published novels (2 of them World Best Sellers by Genre) I learned the art of book-craft and writing by studying other authors and being very aware of how they allowed their stories to 'breathe', 'ebb' , and, most importantly, to flow. By one third of the way in to Jane's story I found myself predicting very easily what was going to happen in every new situation - thus removing any suspense and excitement - and it became very boring. Jane seemed to have a 'standard' situation in her head, which she enjoyed, and then just repeated it 200 times. On one occasion I even bet myself that I could predict the situation accurately 5 times in a row - and won the bet. 5 times in a row.
Jane has a fixation on anal probing, and makes the reader assume that every dom/doctor/maid/girl/mother/lady/nurse/hairdresser likes to bend someone over in exactly the same style and position, parting the legs and pulling the foreskin back hard over the glans whilst probing a prostrate. At the same time, Jane insists on providing the flase assumption that 'one' would keep trying to hide their genitalia and blush at becoming aware of their nakedness - even though it has happened 23 times before in exactly the same situation, and in front of exactly the same people. This erodes the suspension of disbelief somewhat and becomes very tiresome.
All in all, it was entertaining in places, but lost it's way as the story developed and failed to follow a well constructed synopsis. Jane, please, please, please, allow your excellent plots to breathe, and allow the reader to use their imagination. Write a well constructed synopsis and use discipline when expanding it so that you don't get lost along the way.
Good try, though. (3/10)
Replied by: rocketXpert (Edit) (Feb 23, 2012)
Wow. Well, now I feel a little stupid for having been so overwhelmingly positive in my reviews of this author's works. I can't entirely argue with these criticisms; I've noticed the same things, but because I enjoyed these stories as much as I did, I try to keep my comments mostly supportive. Perhaps I went a little overboard in my zeal. I do think these are relatively well written for the genre they're in, but maybe I haven't read enough erotica, plus maybe I'm just not a good judge of what makes good or bad writing. It's hard to find stories that push the right buttons for me, so when I find something that comes close enough, I don't want to nit-pick excessively. Yes, it's ridiculous that every female character has the exact same sexual leanings, and that every male character's embarrassment never abates no matter how many times he faces the same situations over and over. I know I certainly didn't feel the same thrill after reading countless variations on the same situation throughout six stories as I did when I first happened upon "The Governess." It's not like I was reading these for believability or plot however. I will say that if somebody wanted to parody Jane Marwood's stories, it would be incredibly easy to do so.
EDIT: Rereading this, it sounds as though I'm spinelessly backpedaling my earlier praise of Jane Marwood when my real intent was to simply show that I'm not blind to what some might consider flaws in the writing style. I still retain a fondness for Jane Marwood's work and wish that "she" would write more.

Reviewer: rocketXpert (Edit) Rating: Feb 25, 2006
The first and perhaps the definitive Marwood story. Certainly one of the greatest femdom stories ever. I love that the female characters' sadistic natures are balanced out with compassion and sympathy. In the hands of a lesser author, much of the graphic content might seem obscene and vulgar instead of highly erotic. My one complaint when I first read this was the amount of focus given to enemas and other stimulations of the prostate, but after a while, I actually came to find that sort of thing to be kind of a turn-on, which I think goes to show just how good this author really is.
I wish there were a Jane Marwood fan club.

Reviewer: bob_aganoush (Edit) Rating: Jun 23, 2005
Jane - just a wonderful story. Your insight into the femdom genre was excellent. I especially enjoyed all the attention paid to anal activities.
Bob A. (9/10)

Reviewer: merway22 (Edit) Rating: Apr 25, 2005
Excellent (10/10)

Reviewer: Brooking (Edit) Rating: Apr 19, 2005
A really hot story, and jane Marwood are a wonderfull F/m-writer :) (9/10)

Reviewer: sysopje (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2005
Very nice and professional written, with the right atmosphere and there is no hurry in the story. Also , the domination is subtle and intelligent. Is there a part 2 following? Or is Richard lost in cyberspace? (10/10)

Reviewer: subreader (Edit) Rating: Sep 21, 2004
I just have to reccomend this story. Like all of her other stories, Jane Marwood really involves the reader with excellently rounded and descriptive characterization.
This story would make a wonderful screenplay, should any film maker dare to produce it! (10/10)

Reviewer: fernakkapan (Edit) Rating: Sep 14, 2004
Because I enjoyed Timothy so much, I found and read your other stories. The Governess is the best thing I have ever read. For me personally, it is like finding the holy grail. Please, please let us have more of your stories. Without doubt all your stories are an absolutely excellent ten out of ten. A sincere thank you. (10/10)

Reviewer: Enos Quill (Edit) Rating: Feb 26, 2004
To me, this story is the standard for the genre (humiliation of young males). Fantastic ummm... masturbatory material. Quick -- turn this into a screenplay!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: litercrit (Edit) Rating: Jan 12, 2004
Best ever. Have read three Jane Marwood stories. Anymore anywhere?
Just exceptional writing and free for anyone. Have to say thank you to Jane. Just want to see more of it. (10/10)

Reviewer: ackalon (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2004
:) very entertaining. Loved it. One of the first I found here, and the standard of it has made many others look dull, and just plain unpleasant rather than fun (10/10)

Reviewer: PHILLIPS4739 (Edit) Rating: Dec 9, 2003
Very well written. An excellent very detailed story.
"The Governess" must be among the very best of erotic feminine domination genre.
Author 'Jane Marwood' writes a true classic and then makes it available on the internet for free reading, but her stories could be a published commercial success.

Reviewer: smackedagain (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2002
Well, what can I say. I had heard some discussion on various websites about this story. Now I have read it, I agree with you all. Female domination that is above ad beyond anything yet published (and believe me I have searched high and low for this type of erotica).
Miss Marwood you are an angel
A five star story... nicely long and beautifully detailed (10/10)

Reviewer: ham (Edit) Rating: Jan 8, 2002
Better than any of the published works I have read of this genre!. This author really understands the true essence of female domination and delivers every line beautifully. Lots of detail and care from decrition to the spoken word. Both this story and "Peter at Sea" (also at this site) have reinforced my belief that there are still writers out there that care about the quality of their work.
A delicious story and much appreciated, thank you. (10/10)

Reviewer: peterc (Edit) Rating: Jan 7, 2002
Points out of ten! This story has to be worth eleven. Does any one know of any other stories that are by the same author or are similar (other than Peter at Sea)?
I know those of us whom enjoy female domination are in a minority, so to find a story like this is a real joy.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do (10/10)

Reviewer: russtobin (Edit) Rating: Jan 5, 2002
This is the second revue I have written for a story by Jane Marwood (see Peter at Sea). It is the first time I have been able to find any stories that have been written in a style that is without crude language and yet conveys intense erotic feeling.
I love the English setting of the story and the characters. It is pure female domination - and if that is what you like, then this is the best I have read.
It is so nice to find a site that is free, has clear navigation, and no irritating pop up banners. Thanks people (10/10)

Reviewer: mikesteel (Edit) Rating: Jan 2, 2002
This is by far the most erotic story I have read in the femdom genre. Well written with excellent detailed observation, It is head and shoulders above all others... a classic! I could not fault it. Superb...superb...superb. (10/10)

Reviewer: kokkentor (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2001
A lovely story about(in my eyes) lucky Richard who is dominanted by those stern Ladies, why didn`t i find these Ladies before him ?? *S* (9/10)

Reviewer: Taisho (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2001
I first read this story on the Castle Handyman site. Quite simply, it is the best erotic fiction I have ever read. This is probably because the authors' fantasies seem to coincide with mine exactly :) The only disappointment I felt was when it came to an end. Despite being a mini-novel, I still wanted more, more, more. I don't know of any other stories by 'Jane Marwood' but would love to know if they exist? If not, I look forward to further contributions from this superb author here - even if it is new chapters to 'The Governess'! (10/10)

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