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Cherin's surprise with Mom and Aunt Sara Author: blackbug
(Added on Apr 23, 2008) (This month 111039 readers) (Total 157275 readers)
Cherin's Aunt Sara picks her up from work and they meet with Cherin's mom back at Sara's house.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: Martiniman (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2012
This is horrible! Sure there are some scenes written to get guys off but that's it. It's just a list of sex acts they do to the girls. But why? No good reason is given other than masturbation or being a normal curious & horny girl. And the believability isn't here either. Mom is willing to wreck her relationship with her daughter for nothing...seriously. And there is nothing held over the girls to keep them quiet. If more were to be written, the last chapter would have the women going to prison on so many charges they would never get out. Unfortunately this story was written with no protection for the women. Unbelievable that they would risk so much. I can stretch reality for the sake of a good erotic story, but I'd have to stretch so far for this story that it would break. (5/10)

Reviewer: nasferi (Edit) Rating: Nov 15, 2011
write some more plz i want to hear how it ends

Reviewer: ukMasterC (Edit) Rating: Jul 6, 2008
Very well written and informative. Made we want it to continue and find out what else was going to happen. (9/10)

Reviewer: Susanne08 (Edit) Rating: Jun 7, 2008
I really enjoyed the story so far. The psychology is correct and the punishments are well chosen (10/10)

Reviewer: dadisch (Edit) Rating: May 20, 2008
Oh yes I love this story, I,m not usually into incest, but this punishment of Cherin is superb. I can't wait for her bum to be beaten! Just read part 3 & I admire the ingenuity of the writer, using the suction cups was brilliant. It was also very good to read how Cherin was spanked on her bum & her Pussy. I look forward to the next part. Who are the visitors? & what will happen to Cherin's piss when the catheter is released? Will she be forced to drink it? I hope so!!
Just read part 4. This story just gets better & better!! & what an unexpected twist with the other 3 girls brought in. Cant wait for part 5! (10/10)
Replied by: blackbug (Edit) (Apr 29, 2008)
I just posted the next addition...which includes some real punishment for poor Cherin. :) Hopefully the webmaster will post it in the next day or two. There's a lot more to the story too. I enjoy getting feedback on it!

Reviewer: patient718 (Edit) Rating: May 20, 2008
I am really enjoying this story! You've done an outstanding job of drawing the reader into it with some very well done writing. I am very much into non-con female humiliation and you have hit the nail right on the head. Also love the plot twists and the introduction of guests to the story. Thanks again for sharing Chapter 4 with me ahead of it being available on the site. I am looking forward to reading your future installments!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: Fermi2 (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2008
Excellent Story. I've seen the parts 3 and 4 too. Everyone will love it. I love the Non Con nature and the buildup. The non chalantless as the women play with Cherins pussy is HOT and the ass play is AWESOME! (10/10)

Reviewer: DesireeThorn (Edit) Rating: May 8, 2008
Blackbug knows how to tell a story and flesh in just enough details to get the reader's inner eye to take over. It got off to a slightly slow start--I'm generally ready for some hardcore action by the third or fourth paragraph--but I was quite drawn in and became eager to find out what happened next. The characters are relatively complex for the genre and the action is suitably detailed, convincing, and well-informed (I loved the accurate description of figging, a rare fetish that involves anal insertion of peeled ginger root, a truly unique experience). I'm a picky reader: I'm an editor by profession and I can tell you this author has a good command of the language and has paid attention to the details. By the end of the first episode, I was wishing there was quite a bit more to read. Very impressive! (9/10)

Reviewer: SensoryOverlord (Edit) Rating: May 1, 2008
This one has me panting for more. Can't wait till the rest of it is posted. Sadly there's no way to hurry up the sitemaster. Swap you an unpublished one of mine for the rest via email? (9/10)
Replied by: blackbug (Edit) (May 1, 2008)
Thanks for the nice review. I would be willing to talk about story-swapping...what have you got? I sent you a private message on here with my e-mail address...please do the same. Thanks again.

Reviewer: farside757 (Edit) Rating: Apr 26, 2008
I like where this is going. (8/10)
Replied by: blackbug (Edit) (Apr 26, 2008)
Thanks. I posted the 2nd part a couple days ago but it hasn't shown up yet....if it's not posted by later tonight, I'll submit it again. There's a lot more to this story...I just posted the beginning of it so far.

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