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A gift for Samantha Author: Wiley Hunter
(Added on Jun 1, 2008) (This month 53817 readers) (Total 65058 readers)
A story told completely through dialog, John gives Samantha a gift, one they both can and do enjoy to the utmost

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2009
Nemz and Domenica Potestas are right. To an extent. The thing is: you don't need to hear from the victim herself, because it's all in the talk between Sam and John. Besides, and this is cool, while in some way Chyler is the main character, at the same time she doesn't matter. Not as a person. She's just there to spur the dialogue.
Speaking of dialogue. It's not easy to tell a story simply by means of conversations. Because you have to be carefull how you bring things and not make your characters sound like teachers in kindergarten talking to a bunch of toddlers.
Wiley Hunter did an excellent job on that front. Enough detail in the monologues to paint a crystal clear picture and yet not so much to lose the oversight because the sentences are way too long. Tricky, but well executed here.
Another nice 'performance' from Wiley Hunter.

Reviewer: BigCat76 (Edit) Rating: Jan 19, 2009
Quite a fun little story. (8/10)

Reviewer: Nemz (Edit) Rating: Jun 11, 2008
I have to agree with Dominica, it would have been nice to hear from Chyler more. Otherwise it was a very good story. The use of only dialog made it rather interesting, and I believe made it more humorous as well. Left part of the story up to the readers imagination as well.
Very good quick read, but one that will still easily get you off. Highly recommended if you're looking for something quick and interesting. I would love to see more. (8/10)

Reviewer: Dominica Potestas (Edit) Rating: Jun 8, 2008
V imaginative idea and it works. You don't really hear anything from the victim which detracts from the story a little, but it's v inventive and I wanted to read to the end. (8/10)

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