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Master's Wedding Author: odalisque
(Added on Jun 26, 2008) (This month 54913 readers) (Total 68044 readers)
The slave odalisque marries Master Steven

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
4 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Mar 14, 2010
Noooooo! I thought he was not making love to her because he was old fashioned and that they were not married. Now they have "tied the knot" and still he only lets her give blow jobs. When are they going to make love? (9/10)

Reviewer: DarkHorseSr (Edit) Rating: Aug 30, 2008
This story makes my jeans tight. I will be reading the rest o fthe authors works on this site. (9/10)

Reviewer: ShyGreenEyedGrl (Edit) Rating: Jul 19, 2008
once again i have greatly enjoyed your work. It is always a wonderful read.Thank you so very much for sharing it. (9/10)

Reviewer: Clevernick (Edit) Rating: Jul 1, 2008
I always enjoy odalisque's stories, and I always have a feeling they're real. The writing is excellent, with great pacing and flow, attention to detail, and characterization of everyone that really draws me in.
The only reasons I didn't give this a 10 were
a) it wasn't a story. It didn't really have a plot, a beginning, a climax, (okay, several of those but you know what I mean), a denouement, etc. It was instead an excellent piece of diary writing. Okay, better than excellent.
b) all those screwy pronouns and capitals. I know what they're there for, I know it's part of your training, I know you have to do it. But it pops me out of the story and makes it really hard to keep reading at my usual speed. I lose absorption and get annoyed every time.
Brava, o! (9/10)

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