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Naked Unequals. Two Strangers, About to Get Intimate. Author: Book of Evils
(Added on Aug 7, 2008) (This month 50929 readers) (Total 57809 readers)
She was about to be raped but I wanted to fuck with her mind first.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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1 Vote 2 Votes 1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 17% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 17% 17% 17%
Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (2/10)

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Reviewer: MarginallyTruePig (Edit) Rating: Mar 17, 2011
Well written and interesting, stops short of hard painful action, maybe for the better. A little too short still. (8/10)

Reviewer: Falcon (Edit) Rating: Aug 22, 2008
Inequality and power in a sexual situation adds a drama that would be hard to match in any other way. Writing style is imaginative and excellent. Content may be too extreme for some, but it is only fantasy after all, and for those of us who can enjoy such fantasy it is refreshing indeed! (10/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Hello Falcon:
Good to hear from you.Many thanks for the highest rating since as I believe you can see, another reader already rated the story, the lowest rating possible. You recognized immediately the point of the entire situation. The 'Inequity'. It was all about the mismatches of control and power and as opposed to the lane way rapist who bashes his victim over the head to pillage her in a few (stupid) moments, it's all about drawing out the fear and anticipation.
I've said it to the faithful few. If you get it, you do and if you don't I can never explain it to you.
Again, many thanks for the excellent rating.

Reviewer: Mothbrad (Edit) Rating: Aug 18, 2008
The prelude to the storm; the inherent violence in language; the characters revealed all at once, and then coloured in. This site is a collection of written erotica, where we so often forget that words have a special power and cruelty all of their own - something we can never forget reading the stories of Book of Evils. I'm always emotionally, if not physically, drained after reading these, so don't take my word on it - try it yourself. A warning, as always - if you like happy endings for your heroines, you should probably go elsewhere. But if you identify with either the villain/anti-hero, or his precious victims, and get that thrill of recognition and danger, this is a fine place to start. (9/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Hi Brad:
Again thanks for your excellent rating. As always a thoughtful and insightful, reasoned review of what I'm striving to achieve.
Thanks again.

Reviewer: elprof (Edit) Rating: Aug 16, 2008
Just finished reading the story, and I like it for several reasons. First it isn't like so many stories here: the psychology is as exciting as the prospect of violent sex with a beautiful, unwilling woman. Second, I like the presentation, with the story carried forward through conversation. Finally, it is literate.
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Hello elprof:
While your rating may not have been thehighest possible, you have paid me the best of all compliments.
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Sorry elprof - my text somehow got cut off.
The highest compliment was -
'Finally its literate.'
In this day and age of rampant illiteracy and lack of attention to writing detail, I take that as a solid affirmation of my work. Thanks again.

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2008
The problem with rating a so-called bad story, is, that whatever the subject, it's always someone's baby, thus the creator's pride is involved. And gets dented. Sometimes for a good reason, sometimes for no reason at all.
"Two Strangers" is, in my opinion, neither a good- nor a bad story.
That's why I chose to rate it, as I seldom comment on stories I consider rather tedious, especially when I didn't finish reading them. It's so much easier to tear down than to praise.
The writer obviously has some skill, judging by going through former submissions, so let's say that with this essai, Mr/Ms/Mrs Book was a tad hasty to get rid of what's been put to paper.
But I won't go as far as saying this is a bad story. It could use more depth and elaboration, but hey, if this is what the writer intended the story to be, who am I to judge anyway?
JJ (7/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 12, 2008)
Hello JimmyJump:
This is more a general response than aimed directly at the observations which you have posted.
One of the problems I encounter with the format, but mainly the content, of my stories is the vast number of posers, wannabes and outright uninitiated fakes who just don't get it and they are by far and away in the majority.
Do I care? Not in the least.
Does it hurt my pride? In what possible context could it?
It's the woman or girl who's being injured, not me.
The few who do get it, who understand the nuances and subtleties and the intoxication of genuine applied absolute power and control, they are fully satisfaction enough and the personal correspondence in which we engage is fully validation enough for my accounts.
The ones who don't have the intelligence nor patience to decipher what's really going on, why am I to concern myself with them? Let them wallow on the surface, that's where they belong.
Those like minded, of the exclusive club, they are my loyal and supportive audience and it is their opinions which I truly value and appreciate.
I suppose it's the old saw, for my detractors.
If I have to explain it, you'll never get it.
Come on, Brad buddy. Add your insight.
(Mr.) BofE.

Reviewer: rce (Edit) Rating: Aug 11, 2008
The story may be good, I cannot tell. It consists of short sentences, each its own paragraph. There are no description of the background to the story, the whereabout of the characters or the like. I did not finish reading it. (2/10)
Replied by: Book of Evils (Edit) (Aug 11, 2008)
It appears I've received the lowest rating you've ever allotted a story in forty-seven of your high-minded reviews.
I must be doing something right.

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