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MAN OF SHADOW Author: Dorothy Strangelove
(Added on Aug 20, 2008) (This month 48905 readers) (Total 52379 readers)
A woma's life is changed forever when she has an encounter with a young man who may or may not be a ghost...

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 5, 2009
This is a story that could be used in psychology classes. About the extrapolation of some subconcious wishes and the creation of an alternate reality to subdue the self-loathing and feel desired.
I could go on and drag some more technical mumbo-jumbo into the equation, but let it suffice to say that this is a wonderfully well crafted story which has you constantly veering between amazement, disbelief, wonderment and worry.
While the man might come from the shadows, the whole story is 'seen' through a slight fog. Probably the booze.
Well done!
JJ (10/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Feb 5, 2009)
Thank you for such an insightful review. Yes, there is a heavy psychological element to the story and I wanted to demonstrate the way the alcohol can 'drag out' the shadows, making the world distorted, and to twist within it a tale that slides between reality and another world. Thanks once again for such a great review.

Reviewer: Shibari (Edit) Rating: Aug 27, 2008
Probably the best I've ever read. More, please! (10/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Aug 28, 2008)
Thank you for such a nice review! There will be more, I'm always trying my hand at new themes and ideas, more stories are on the way.

Reviewer: writer (Edit) Rating: Aug 22, 2008
Excellent story with a twist I didn't expect. Would have liked to see a bit more variety in the sexual encounters, but enjoyed the romance. The emotion came across well. There were a few "technical" issues in punctuation and grammar, but the plot helped me overlook this and didn't detract noticeably from the story. Well done. (9/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Thank you for such a good review. This is a story I have had in progress for a while, the twist came about because I got the idea that we can 'haunt our own lives' as opposed to the past haunting us, and the theory that if a person is emotional and passionate enough, pure thought can create a thoughtform every bit as real as a person - thats the basis for the seed which grew into this plot. Thank you for your review.

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