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Holes Author: Dorothy Strangelove
(Added on Aug 21, 2008) (This month 53157 readers) (Total 64789 readers)
A mad former doctor with a taste for domination becomes attracted to a condemned man who is held at the prison where she works. After falling for him she decides to embark on an insane rescue attempt that leads to far darker consequences.

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 9, 2009
Poe, maybe. Story gave me the creeps. The passionate lunacy of Dr. Webb. Chilling. Those that shout and scratch the paper of the walls, of those we know they are crazy.
It's the silent ones. The ones who we meet at parties, shake hands with. The ones who walk among us, til the mask falls.
I had flashes of those sixties "Hammer Horror Movies" with a sniff of "The Twilight Zone".
And Vincent Price's alluring voice in the background. The eerie clavicimble out of "Steven" from Alice Cooper's "Welcome To My Nightmare".
Probably also the title of Luke's memoirs, should he regain enough wits to write 'em.
Spooky stuff this is.
I'm starting to sound like Yoda, so better quit.
But have to add this first: some folks might stumble over the easiness with which Tina comes and goes and does her thing. But, in reality, that's the way things go, when your face is a regular appearance. Security measures drop, because she's one of 'them', one of the trusted few.
Oh, and Miss Strangelove? I told you before that "you weren't the best writer around". A bit tactless. And I have to correct that. You defenitely are on of the best around. No doubt about it. Now spread the word.
JJ (9/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Feb 10, 2009)
Thanks for such a great review! Yes, I did indeed want to echo shades of the old Hammer Horror themes, I grew up on a diet of them and I also loved the Twilight Zone. Vincent Price would certainly be right at home doing the narration, also I wanted to show that the real lunatics in this world are often people in 'trusted' positions and the fact that lunatics do tend to think that their way is the sane way, in their world it all makes perfect sense and is justified, because it's all about them and what they want, to a secretly crazy person like Dr Webb, it's all about her and her needs and this to her is rational.
Thanks for praising my skill, I think oneday I may be a very good writer, better than I am now, as long as the ideas keep coming, my skills will continue to grow.
Thanks again for the review, its much appreciated.

Reviewer: cheapskate (Edit) Rating: Aug 22, 2008
Shades of Edgar Alan Poe! (9/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Aug 23, 2008)
Wow, thanks. I love Poe! Glad you enjoyed it.

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