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Deep Freeze Author: Dorothy Strangelove
(Added on Nov 5, 2008) (This month 50134 readers) (Total 56572 readers)
Reunited with her lost love who is scarred by a terrible accident, Elizabeth finds she is drawn into his insane world of dangerous experiments - and her love for him is making her a slave to the mad scientist whose sexual magnetism draws her closer and closer until she can not fight to escape and the situation drains away her will to break free, and all the while his experiments are having darker and darker consequences..

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2009
Bloody Hell. Two words that both describe my feelings and the story.
Okay, so that short exclamation doesn't do the story justice, because there's far more to it than that.
For instance, there's the romantic side, the love story. The things we do for love. Or for what we think is love.
Also, again, there's the shadow of Mary Shelley looming, after the accident. The lunacy of the mad scientist searching for, not eternal life, but still, life. Normal life.
There's also the descriptions of the sex-scenes. More harsh this time. Harsh, but not crude. Well, maybe just a little. But certainly still tastefull, understandable, because so well written, in-sync with the state of mind of the antagonists.
Funny enough, I also had visions of "Sunset Boulevard", with Jake in the role of Gloria Swanson, Scott in that of Erich von Stroheim and Elizabeth in that of William Holden. Sort of. Hellraiser also. The feeding.
Anyway, it shows once more that Dorothy Strangelove has a love for the classics. And she uses that knowledge to her advantage in a most expert way.
Of course, it takes talent to do what Miss Strangelove does. Knowledge alone isn't enough.
Even if Dorothy wouldn't know about the classics, her stories exhume the same kind of quality.
Dorothy strangelove writes in 70 millimeter black & white Cinemascope and as a reader, you're sitting in a red, plush and comfy front-row seat.
JJ (9/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Feb 17, 2009)
Thank you for such a great review, yes, this story is a real attempt for me to write a story in the gothic sense, and I wanted to make something new that had echoes of all things solidly gothic in the realm of horror. But at the same time, as well as the looming shadows and the full-on horror of the bloody scenes, I wanted to have a very contemporary feel to the piece as well as breathing in some mist from time long gone, I enjoyed writing this because it was something very different for me and I was very pleased with the way it came together, thanks for the comparison to Hellraiser, wow what a series of movies they were and what a great book too, also the love side, yes, I wanted to show that her love for him meant bending yet not breaking, even though its clear by the way she goes along with the spiral of events that she's already broken, just going along with the flow because she is so obsessed with the man she loves, which I like to think, adds to the horror because of the final conclusion, in the end, she doesn't want to beat em, only join em, and I'm glad my stories come across so vividly, that's how I write, from the movie in my head.
Thanks again for the review.

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