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Argonaut in an Age of Discovery Author: Iphigenia-at-Aulis
(Added on Nov 8, 2008) (This month 106379 readers) (Total 131358 readers)
Jenny gets invited on a vacation trip on a sailing yacht. The romantic interactions among the crew precipitate rivalry, and when the captain decides that maintaining discipline requires use of the whip, Jenny ends up on the receiving end. Through the twelve chapters, she finds her pleasures laced with ample doses of pain.

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Reviewer: cma68 (Edit) Rating: Mar 29, 2009
You are one of my favorite authors, and this story is another fantastic effort. Your stories are some of the very few that I read more than once - I think you strike the right balance between fantasy and believeability. Please keep writing, five years between stories is too long! Seriously, though, thank you. (10/10)

Reviewer: kemosabe (Edit) Rating: Dec 24, 2008
My only disappointment came when I read the intro and found you only intend to post 12 chapters. I would have to rank you among the top 3 writers in this site.
So what if the plot line is outrageous. This is where fantasies take place and yours are bordering on becoming real. Great job! (10/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Jan 14, 2009)
Thanks for your very kind review, as was your previous one of my "Capture the Flag" story. But there is no worry that such high praise will go to my head – I recognize the diversity of peoples likes and dislikes. One person might enjoy what I write. Another person might find it unpleasantly gross and painful, or just stupid and boring, depending on their taste. Nevertheless, it gives me great pleasure to know that some people enjoy it.

I might add that all this talk about my plot line fantasies is making me self conscious. I am trying to figure out how my story lines are coming across differently from those of other authors. Is it that my people have a certain ordinariness about them that contrasts with their outrageously bold behavior? I don’t know. I am trying to figure out what it is that is coming across as weird.

Reviewer: Sarastro (Edit) Rating: Dec 15, 2008
I admit to being slightly biased as the theme appeals greatly to me, but I haven't read many stories on this website that are as well written as yours. Few days go by that I don't check to see if there is a new chapter available.

While the actions of the people might be outrageous if placed in the real world, they seem to me an exaggeration of very real traits in the feminine/masculine, which makes it intensely erotic. Thank you.

There is only point of criticism I have and it is purely a personal opinion and as such it doesn't affect my rating of the story. It is that I would have liked more variety in implements aside from the whip (or whip-like) applied, or even just using a hand. (10/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Dec 20, 2008)
Thank you for your very kind review. If you consider my stuff to be well written, it is only because I spend a great deal of time polishing it. I actually enjoy that part of generating a story the best. In contrast, for me the hard part is getting some words on paper to begin with, particularly since I have no overall plan for a plot. With only a general sense of what I’m interested in, I just stumble forward blindly – kinda like in real life. And things just sort of happen that I had not expected.

Anyway, your criticism about the limited range of implements points to the larger problem of the limited range of kink that I incorporate. This is shown by the limited number of keywords that I use to categorize my story content compared to the broader range that many or most other authors use.

Things like golden showers are not erotic to me, so I don’t incorporate that. But something like electro-torture is interesting to me, but having never experienced it, I’m less inclined to write about it – but I might have given it a try had it not seemed a little incompatible with the sailing venue. Needle-torture is likewise something I’ve never experienced, so I don’t have Jenny experience it. Instead, the Chapter 5 needle work is done second hand, as a story told by the Skipper.

Nevertheless, regarding implements, the Skipper is going to tell another ridiculous story in a later chapter and during final editing maybe I’ll change his mention of a cane to a paddle.

You mention hand spanking. So I will relate this weird thing I have about hand spanking. If done playfully I think it too tame and mundane to have a significant place in my stories. If done forcefully, strangely I think it sort of brutish, maybe because compared to implements, it has a closer proximity to reality. I can’t really explain my weird hang-up, but I don’t want my guys hitting Jenny with their hands. Also, I like really light and stingy things best, and hands aren’t thin and light enough. ...Anyway, none of this BDSM fetish stuff makes any rational sense, so of course my own likes and dislikes make no sense, even to myself.

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2008
Yay! Iphigenia's back! The absolute master of taking totally unrealistic story concepts and making them feel commonplace and comfortable is in the building. Class is in session. (10/10)
Replied by: iphigenia (Edit) (Nov 16, 2008)
Thanks for the sweet words ...although I don't think of myself as a master of anything, particularly not storytelling. You are always so good to me in your reviews.

I must say that your comment about putting the totally unrealistic into a commonplace setting did trigger some introspection. It is true that people adapt to bothersome things in life. And some aspects a relationship with a partner may require a degree of adaptation.

And perhaps receptiveness is a trait that some people would categorize as more intrinsically "female" (although everyone shares them). But still, I don't understand why my imagination extends Jenny's receptiveness to such outrageous male behavior ...nor why I create males so bold that they publicly act out what in the real world would have to remain hidden in their imaginations. ...But enough musing on your comment.

Thanks for being the first to review the story. To keep the chapters appearing regularly, and not knowing exactly when the next Library update would be, I had to submit Chapter 2 before getting any feedback on Chapter 1. It surprised me how much anxiety it gave me to do that. On the Library web page for submitting a new chapter, I did a lot of procrastinating before finally clicking the "Submit" button.

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