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The Office of Guardians Author: The Patrician
(Added on Dec 14, 2008) (This month 55777 readers) (Total 64019 readers)
This story is long and slow, detailed. If you like stories full of horrifc violence that would leave its victims physically scarred and emotionally damaged for life, then this is not for you.I am more interested in violence as tool in forcing surrender, compelling women to decide that they must become submissive, that they will have to obey. To realize that they must make every effort to be what is required of them, to co-operate in their humiliation and hide, even from themselves, their dislike of what they must do. I find that mental process, that shift of reality erotic, rather than the simple violence itself.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 12, 2010
While I agree with most of what whoremaster has said, I also must point out that reading "The Office Of Guardians" was one long stutter, because of umpteen words being glued together as one and sentences and paragraphs being broken halfway through to continue on the next line or after a blank space.
While I seldom reduce the score for mild 'infractions' like these, I have to be more severe here, just because here those technicalities seriously hamper the fluency of the read, to the point I stopped reading a few times out of sheer frustration...
Too bad, because a serious edit could do wonders.
JJ (6/10)

Reviewer: whoremaster (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2009
Outstanding premise.
After reading this story I must confess I find the whole idea of using government and legal powers to gradually control and dominate women a very sexy theme that have been under-utilized.
In many ways it makes perfect sense, as a Bureaucracy is the structure and set of regulations in place to control activity – in this case the activity of women. I really love the slow buildup – finding it quite humors that the BBC licensing fees apparently is the catalyst that sets the scenario off – with the gradual tightening of the screws on the freedom and autonomy of women.
The Office of Guardians is originally created to help deadbeat unwed mothers managed their lives better by putting them under enlighten guardianship. After a stealthy coup a new government gradually expand its powers deal with more and more women – stealthy taking away more and of women’s rights and and ensuring that they are put under firm male control.
It becomes an anthology of women’s stories suddenly finding that life under the new rules means obeying men
While the scenario is excellent a few minor easily correctable faults in text editing does mar what would otherwise be a 9 star story. The text needs to be edited for page breaks and sections. I hope the author will eventually get around to it.
Just re-read the story and liked it even more. It is the small details that really gets to me, the background stuff about how things change in society such as the line that
“One of the side benefits of the new regime was that fewer and fewer women drove, or were allowed to drive, with a dramatic reduction in traffic volumes. Getting in to work was a breeze. One of the small points that made men feel that things had changed for the better”
Love the fact that the company have a “Female Personnel Manager” implying that the methods needed for proper management of females are very different those imposed on male staff.
On thing that struck me is that you might be missing a large part of your prospective audience by not including NC non-consensual story code. Your story hasn’t got that many readers and part of the reason might be the sort of readers who’d really enjoy it has difficulty finding it. Certainly the element of males imposing imposing their will and subjugating women is an important criteria for me. I almost missed the story because it wasn’t labeled by the codes I usually sort by.

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