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Making a whore out of my sister Author: Rajesh kumar
(Added on Dec 17, 2008) (This month 57678 readers) (Total 83000 readers)
I had to make a plot to make my sister a slut

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
2 Votes
2 Votes
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1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 2 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
33% 67% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (2.5/10)
Average Rating: (2/10)
Highest Rating: (2/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: megfar (Edit) Rating: Dec 21, 2008
poorly written (2/10)

Reviewer: a.broadsword (Edit) Rating: Dec 20, 2008
Congratulations this is easily the worst story I have ever read on this site written in the style of an early 1960's Honda Moped handbook about someone who apparently for no resson decides to rape his own close relative. Very Odd and actually worth a 0.

Reviewer: Sarastro (Edit) Rating: Dec 19, 2008
I dislike writing bad reviews, but I don't think I can do anything else. Little effort seems to have been put into editing the story, a lot of grammar errors, typos and so on, some apparently accidental while others consistent, such names not capitalized. Using SMS/internet lingo in a story doesn't really improve its readability either (such as u instead of you, etc.) If you're not a native English speaker, I suggest asking for help editing your story on a forum or from friends.

As far as the plot, the story title indicates it is supposed to be about how 'your sister' is made into a whore, but the story itself seems to be more of a rape plot. Some parts sound more like a summation of events than a story: "She tried to run. I got a hold of her". This is pretty bad style and doesn't read very well.

In short, I'm sorry to say it still needs a lot of work. (2/10)

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