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In Search of Master Exeter Author: Ashley Zacharias
(Added on Jan 28, 2009) (This month 53799 readers) (Total 61501 readers)
A young school teacher is bored and answers an Internet advertisement that promises that being trained as a sexual slave will empower her.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Reviewer: preemptor (Edit) Rating: Sep 22, 2012
A unique concept, very well handled by the author. It might have had more bondage depicted, but that is a small caveat. This was one of the VERY BEST STORIES on this site, in my opinion. More, more!! (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 3, 2009
First of all, I think that Ashley is the only writer who can babble you under the table in an erotic story, and get away with it.
Secondly, I think that she's about the only writer who can come up with an introduction that reads like Einstein's Relativity Theory, and, hey, she gets away with it.
Thirdly, I'm about sure that Miss Zach is the only author with enough intelligence to come up with a story that puts upside-down the complete ABC To Female Slavery, and guess what, get away with it.
Fourth, I am absolutely sure that Miss Zacharias can write an essay about a freshly laid turd on the corner of Broadway and Havemeyer and get a funding for an in-depth research about animal behaviour in New York City. Cuz she's that good.
Fifth, anybody who cites the Marx Brothers, especially Groucho, gets my blessing and a pat on the back.
Sixth, I'm off to see if I can make my bed as described in this here story.
Oh, by the way, this was another fabulous experience, as most of your stories are. Thanks a lot, Ashley B. D. Zacharias.
JJ (10/10)

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