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Her One True Prince and Master Author: Dorothy Strangelove
(Added on Feb 11, 2009) (This month 55131 readers) (Total 60625 readers)
At the age of seventeen, Eve falls in love with a mysterious stranger who awakens her sexual desire. Nearly two decades later they meet again and by now Eve is a beautiful woman with a desire to be dominated. Jonny is happy to take on the role of her master and they begin a passionate and kinky affair - but Jonny has a secret - he works in the dangerous world of espionage and only too soon his risky double life will lead to a violent conclusion. This tale includes a woman\'s account of her learning curve of submissive experience and is also a love story.

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Reviewer: Kuriouskat (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2009
Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed your story. The content was just what I was looking for. How to be dominated with out being hurt or abused. Good luck with future publications.
KK. (9/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Feb 15, 2009)
Thank you for your review, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to show that there are many ways to bring domination into a loving relationship, and while many fantasies can be played out, it's all kept safe sane and consensual, and I also like the idea of the best chains being in the mind, she does not need to be tied beaten to surrender to her master, and at the end of theday he is her prince and she is happy to give all of herself in complete surrender to him, and Jonny is prepared to pull Eve back when she goes too far, like with the gun, for example - she thinks a real gun would make a good prop but he tells her about the reality of living with guns and what they can do and this puts it in perspective. Ialso personally think that gentle domination within a loving relationship is the best kind because although some people like the 'fear' element of hard rough bondage, a lot of people just want verbal commands and fantasy play also, which can be all the more powerful because it's emotional and sexual control which can go deeper in the pleasurable sense than a more aggressive form of domination. Once again, glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your appreciation, I will be writing some more fiction soon.

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 11, 2009
Fuck. A rude word to start a review, I know. But I'm gonna say it again. Fuck.
Why? Because I'm pissed, that's why. Pissed as in mad, that is. Because, thanks to this story, I'll never be able to read another one without finding it to be shallow.
Pissed and awestruck. Yep.
I've come to know Dorothy Strangelove as a pen in a hand on an arm, which is being accurately steered by the writer part of her brain. It is a delicious part, as it brings forth the most delicious stories. Fact. No way around it.
For this story, I fear the writer part momentarily took over the rest of the brain. Because this is the best that has flowed from her pen, keyboard, stone tablets and chisel, you name it.
Did I say the best? No. Actually, not the best. Because there's nothing to compare this with. Not wanting to do away with Dorothy's other stories. Far from. But "Her One true Prince and Master" is a completely different league. If her other stories are our Solar System, then this one is Alpha Centaury. It's way out there.
The story starts like a scene from "The Godfather". Better, "The Long Good Friday". Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren talking. Slow-motion stuff. Sam Peckinpah. Blood. Glass. Sadness.
Explanations that bring more clouding. Fastforward to the past. Shedding some light. In passionate yet demure strokes. Picasso having sobered-up. Lush writing again. But the lushness is in the mind, because the words are hard. Warm, but feeling cold. Fading memories which you don't want to fade. At all. But hard to keep hanging on to them, still. Staring dreamily out of the window. Melancholy.
Melancholy speckled with the joy of being young. Frivolous. Not a care in the world. Except for the hurt. That first, real love. Never to be forgotten, whatever happens. Never.
There's also lots of thin-ice parts. Both for the author and the reader. In fact, the whole story is thin ice. Thin ice on which it's better not to linger. Except to say that the musings, memories, are beautifully written. No schmalz. Accurate. The right amount of feeling put into it. Behind it. Endearing. Makes you want to cuddle the story. It'll smudge my screen, but what the hell.
Fastforward back to the present. Here comes Johnny. Yeah. Again. No Nicholson nor Iggy Pop though. No axe. No more liquor and drugs. Love will keep us together. Maybe. At least the kink will. Because the kink is delicious. Crystal clear too. No beating around the bush. Or, a lot of beating around the bush. Depends on how you look at it.
And then there's the pain. The hope. The uncertainty. The light at the end of the tunnel. Hallelujah Brother! Or Sister.
I could go on praising, but there's no point. Besides, it would sound phoney, hollow, in the end. There's only so much that can be said about something. Even when it is as good as "Her One true Prince and Master". Also, I would have to buy a dictionary to find more synonyms.
Before I burst out into an aria of "Romeo And Juliet", I'll take my leave. Clean my screen first, though.
And not without adding that it has been an unforgettable pleasure and a privilege to read this wondrous story. It is truly beautiful in all the splendor that the word holds.
I'm off now. Johnny gave me an urge to have another go at my "Hitman" PC-game.
JJ (10/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Feb 12, 2009)
I'm glad that you enjoyed this story, it's been a real pleasure for me to write it because there's a lot of 'me' in it, or should I say there's a lot of little pieces of my youth sprinkled into the plot and when I wrote this I wanted to set something in stone in the way that only writing can do it, the fiction is layered over the top of it but the heart in this story is my own flesh and bones in the sense that I took a real trip down memory lane to add some colour to this and before I knew it, the story was really growing and adding its own colour as it went along, it was one of those stories that came alive very quickly and when I sat down to continue writing there was no long pauses before I picked up the threads, it just continued to flow.
When I wrote this, I wanted to tell a love story but at the same time add shades of darkness and light and put some heart into it because some very heavily disguised elements of the plot are personal only to me, I think that's the secret of this story turning out so well. I also wanted to paint a picture of how time passing can bring with it changes, some obvious and others not so obvious, but I wanted to show the contrast between the teenage girl who fell in love and the woman she became, and how even when things seem hopeless they can still turn around - even in a world of guns and violence (and let's face it, our whole world suffers more with guns and violence these days, and we all need a bit more light, therefore I hope everyone wants to cuddle this story), I wanted to take the reader on a journey and it sounds like I've succeeded, I'm very pleased that the story reads so well and comes across with all the colours visible that I tried to paint in this piece.
I will be writing some new stuff in the near future, and there may be a sequel to this story at some point.
Thank you once again for such a great review.

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