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MsC, Master slave Colony Author: Stormvet
(Added on Feb 15, 2009) (This month 95608 readers) (Total 136828 readers)
A 24/7, M/s retirement community is discovered and information required to be accepted for entry is requested and delivered.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 29% 0% 14% 0% 43% 14%
Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: azsaphire (Edit) Rating: Feb 24, 2009
loved your story. You have a talent. cannot wait to see more. (10/10)
Replied by: Stormvet (Edit) (Feb 24, 2009)
Thank You for the review! Stay tuned for more story! Ch. 3 picks up on the action.

Reviewer: Switchhitter7 (Edit) Rating: Feb 23, 2009
Who wants to see 60 year olds romping nude. You will need a good medical staff for heart attacks and othe diseases. BTW what happens if one of the couple dies? Also slow pace and too much telling and not enough showing. (5/10)

Reviewer: StephVE (Edit) Rating: Feb 22, 2009
An interesting concept of a master slave colony in the desert. However it could be more excting if it was just a community for wealthy people who are younger. The visual of a group of old men or evern worse old women as masters is not exciting. Although they may have young slaves, the sagging flesh is a turn off. Also it would be more interesting to have the sexes mixes so there are male and female masters. The interplay among them could be great. Also consider having multiple slaves that are kept nude at all times. You also want a gym where the slaves are required to exercise under the hot desert sun to stay slim, trim and in wonderful shape. (7/10)
Replied by: StephVE (Edit) (Feb 28, 2009)
After reading the story again, it has great promise. However more than being a master in the community I would want exclusive rights to sell Viagra.
Replied by: fudge (Edit) (Feb 28, 2009)
I was interested that you found older people not exiciting, I hope that you are lucky enough to remain visually exciting throughout your life and that any partners you have dont find your sagging flesh a turn off. This story is not only great but refreshing in its age group
Replied by: StephVE (Edit) (Mar 27, 2009)
All the stories are fantasies. It is nicer to visualize hard young bodies than old sagging ones. The story could have been more effective if it wasn't a retirement communtity. There also could be far more sexual interplay with younger masters.

Reviewer: cordage (Edit) Rating: Feb 22, 2009
Well written and moves at a good pace. Well done - I hope you will write more! (9/10)
Replied by: Stormvet (Edit) (Feb 22, 2009)
Thank You for the glowing review. I appreciate that. I have more on it's way.

Reviewer: DarkHorseSr (Edit) Rating: Feb 20, 2009
I am looking forward to the next cahpter. I would love to find a place just like this as we are getting to the age of retirement ourselfs. (9/10)
Replied by: Stormvet (Edit) (Feb 20, 2009)
Thank You very much for the review. I too hope to find this place actually exists. The first 2 chapters are set up, ch. 3 "MsC Links" is where the story picks up. If you find this place, please let us know.

Reviewer: devilishsub (Edit) Rating: Feb 18, 2009
Great concept, could be rewritten to be more fluid especially the dialogue (5/10)

Reviewer: MasterJs_pet (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2009
i really enjoyed the story i could picture myself living this way cant wait to read the next part soon i hope (9/10)

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