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Veronica\'s Destruction Author: TheVariableX
(Added on Mar 1, 2009) (This month 158756 readers) (Total 195244 readers)
For anyone who has read my other works, this one starts fairly ordinary but quickly heads toward a very dark place. There are some codes present in the story that I barely read and have never written before. I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed writting this one. In short, an evil dominant sadist/masochist causes one death too many and slides quickly into bleak self hating. She eventually submits to the very acts she has spent a lifetime forcing on others.

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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
"Veronica's Destruction" is an amalgam of nasty concoctions which seem to have been pulled out of the cauldron at random and shifted around to form a story with a few persons as main performers.
But although everything seems rather unbalanced, bit by bit, as we go along, a few things start to make more sense. Another few never do, but hey, who cares, because this is a hell of a ride. The kind that leaves you wondering what happened once you're finished with the story.
There's a lot of stuff here which I usually don't read, and which had me cringe a couple of times. But everything fits, just because of that eerie tone our VariableX uses.
Eerie in the sense that "Veronica's Destruction" doesn't stick to a distinct style, but is a mix of different ones.
Just a bit like the character of Veronica is a mix of all kinds of bits and pieces of extreme human behaviour. Making Veronica on the one hand seem as crazy as a betsy bug --which is a bit scary, but on the other hand makes her come across as vulnerable, thanks to some of her rationalizing.
There's also a lot of colourful locals populating this tale ("Mr. X", "The Vampire"), adding to the confusion sometimes, but also expanding the canvas of the world Veronica moves in.
The story could have gone either way: towards total destruction or up into the heavens. I fear "Veronica's Destruction" sits somewhere in the middle most of the time, which means we're hovering somewhere over Sodom and Gomorrah right now. God -literally- knows what will happen next.
Still, I'm going to indulge TheVariablex in his exotics and grant the story a niner.
Because, after all and regardless of the flaws, this still is some pretty decent writing.
In fact, the crazyness of it all somehow reminded me of good ol' Donatien Alphonse François de Sade. "Juliette Et La Vertu" and some such. Nuts, I know.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: lord_odie (Edit) Rating: Mar 5, 2009
Great story! I wish she hadn't of gone off the deep end so quickly though. I would have like to of read more of her submitting to her slaves. This story reminds me alot of Victoria's Secrets; which is another great story.. (10/10)
Replied by: TheVariableX (Edit) (Mar 5, 2009)
Thanks for taking the time to review. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
As you noticed, the story is reminiscent of Victoria's Secrets. It is a long time favourate story of mine, sadly unfinished. I considered taking that story and running with it but I decided I wasn't comfortable with that.
As far as the heroines descent, I didn't expect it to take as long as it did, but during her upcomming hell, the possibility exists for memories and flash backs from her first submission untill the story opening.

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