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CAMP XV Author: J Lewis
(Added on Dec 15, 2009) (This month 97127 readers) (Total 110914 readers)

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
This is one of the few J Lewis stories of which I remember having 'problems' with. Not that it attacked me in broad daylight, but the sheer nihilism of it all bothered me.
On the other hand, you know, it's like you go for a crap. You pinch off a turd and you flush. Point. Who cares what happens to your waste, right?
"Camp XV" is probably where all those turds come together. And transform into nasty fellars handling bullwhips and some such.
So, the 'isolated part of the world' J Lewis speaks of, could be your cesspit. Or mine.
Or maybe those camps J Lewis speaks of are represented by those tiny brown spots on the maps in my old Atlas, spread all over Africa, Asia and South America. And every civilized country you can think of. I thought those spots were from old age. Seems I was wrong.
But I'm thinking too much. because, "Camp XV" is a story you shouldn't analyze. Just read it, consume it, and be on your way.
"Camp XV" is what lies beyond that barbed fence we've all encountered, while exploring some unknown territory. A barbed fence with a rusty plate which usually says "keep out, government property" or more simple "high voltage".
No-one in his right mind will touch that fence. Or try to get over or around it.
And you get in your car or on your motor cycle and drive off, without giving the fence another glance or thought.
But now we know what's going on behind it. The fence.
Must add that "Camp XV" is well written. Nicely constructed sentences, painting a clear picture.
What's going on in those nicely constructed sentences is ugly, vile. But it is exciting as well. Just right there balancing on the brink of what your mind deems acceptable.
My mind is rather stretchy, meaning I'll gladly accept most things you throw at me. Even turds. Sometimes.
Speaking of which. I'm off to the loo. Gonna add another camp commander.
JJ (9/10)

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