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TASKFORCE Author: J Lewis
(Added on Dec 16, 2009) (This month 134320 readers) (Total 142611 readers)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
I feel a tad awkward writing a new 'review' on this one. First of all because now, at this very moment, J's intro to the story is a bit irrelevant, as in the meantime we're, what, 10 stories and over a year further down the road.
Also because I know that the first time around I went a tad over it, getting carried away. That happens. Often even.
That's because I write these (mostly) short 'reviews' like J lewis writes his stories: a spur of the moment thing, letting it flow as thoughts enter my mind.
Although J Lewis tends to keep more control over his outbursts than I do.
I also know I thanked J Lewis for the ride, as thus far it was a pleasant one. Nice scenery too. Visible through crisp, freshly wiped crystal clear windows. A scenery complete with more than a few interesting people along the storylines.
And I sure as hell am glad the ride continued and is still going on.
"Taskforce" felt like the first real bump on that ride. Not the kicking an axel from under the car kind. But almost. That's because of the weird start. Weird, because not like most of J Lewis' intros so far.
And a *dude* tied to the table? Wtf?
Also, the story comes across as uneven, because it's differently paced. And because it has an intrigue, a plot. Not saying that other J Lewis stories don't have a plot; just that this one is thicker. Has more layers. The duplicity of the main character also.
As such, it's a good thing that one is now able to read the story as a whole. From start to finish. Makes much more sense this way. Because now, you don't have to wait a couple of weeks to see the holes filled out that were purposefully left at the start.
"Taskforce" is also one of J's more harsh stories. A main character who seems to be very emotional, but devoid of feelings. At least concerning his 'tasks'.
That's what happens with most 'professional' torturers. Keeping a distance between the 'everyday' persona and 'the job'. To prevent insanity from kicking in.
Another story which is caked with an ice cold layer of indifference. But not to the point of leaving the reader indifferent. No siree.
"Taskforce" has the reader constantly veering between disgust and amazement. For both the story and your personal feelings for what is going on.
It also shows J Lewis' adroitness as a writer. The ability to not cross a certain border, even when he does cross it. That border is of course more in our own minds than in that of J Lewis. But nevertheless, it takes a certain skill to be able to portray some disgusting events and still manage to make them come across as erotic. Enticing even.
It lifts a tip of the veil that hides the nature of the beast, I guess. Be it my nature, or J's, or anybody else's.
It takes the right circumstances at the right moment for some of that nature to show. To say it with a part of a Metallica lyric: a "Fuck it all and fucking no regrets" attitude which takes over.
I can't say if "Taskforce" is great writing or not. For that I got too biased. I know I liked the story a lot. At least as much as I disliked it. But even the disliking part was not quite sure it felt that way.
Food for psychologists, I guess. Although I can take most of those guys apart in no time. Depends on how focused they are on their own little convictions and certainties.
Anyway, "Taskforce" is one hell of a ride. Scary and erotic, sadism in soft, blue velvet. The proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Except that this wolf is after some darker parts of the psyche instead of sheep.
It even gets there as well, that wolf, to those darker parts. But although the feeling is disturbing, it doesn't leave no traces. Not visibly. At least, for now. It's just fiction, right?
Okay, so far for 'short' reviews...
Glad you stayed, J Lewis.
JJ (10/10)

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