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The Life of Slave Slut Samantha Author: Eugene
(Added on Dec 16, 2009) (This month 67905 readers) (Total 72571 readers)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: saxman66 (Edit) Rating: Mar 13, 2011

Very much like the general aspect of the story and some great ideas I would love to see develop as Samantha develops her self-abuse and finds others to do likewise. However where I feel the story is badly flawed is in the degree of suspension of disbelieve required. Can think of four examples, two very serious. Those are:
a) The full body beating is I think rather over the top. Whether or not she can stand the pain and isn't doing herself serious damage i) that number of hits would probably take at least an hour and I don't think it's going to be practical long term. ii) More importantly after that number of hits she's going to be heavily marked up. Might get away with limping around in a buraka but not the way she's dressing. When she speaks to her brother before going out he's not going to be asking why she's dressed like a slut but 'who the fuck beat the shit out of you' or words to that effect. Similarly with the people who see her on her walk they would probably be wondering why she's acting as Mike Tyson's latest sparing partner.
b) I like the idea of her wearing her food before eating it. A good way giving her the denigration she craves and training her for cleaning cocks and possibly toilet use by a future owner. However wouldn't a hot dog from a store be 'hot'. Similarly with the fries. She might be able to fit the stuff inside her panties without too obvious bulges prompting questions but no comment about how she's bleeding from her lip as she holds in the scream while her cunt walls blister.
Otherwise there is a lot of interest in the story, especially the way she is using the voice to abuse herself while she finds other people to do it. Plenty of options for the latter with the people mentioned, although again I would rather it avoided anything too impractical.
She really needs to see Dave for instance, apologize for her violent attack on him, ask him to punish her and make clear if he appreciates her body again she will behave a lot better. This does presume that a sober Dave is scummy and reckless enough to use a 13 year old who society would presume is seriously disturbed, but with author fiat that should be no problem. :)
Similarly she could benefit from the experience Mr Johnson could offer, possibly get Gilbert to arrange a party with some mates where she could be the main attraction. If the next time she hires Jimmy she then realises that she has 'forgotten' her purse and needs some other way to pay him. Various things like that. And/or ultimately find herself an owner who will take her away from all this. However it's a while since the story was updated so doubt that would be the case.:(
I would have joined in the 9 marks with the other reviewers but unfortunately the problems with the disbelieve required gravely weakens an otherwise very entertaining story. [Like so many others on the sight IMHO]. (6/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 12, 2010
Very well written chronicle, which has just the right balance between being in-your-face and subtlety. Add to that the well-done juvenile undertone in the narrative and you've got an explosive cocktail.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: dahrothgar (Edit) Rating: Jun 25, 2010
Great story! I've really been looking forward to the next chapter. Please continue! (9/10)

Reviewer: Charles E. Campbell (Edit) Rating: Jan 4, 2010
This is a well crafted and well written tale. I cannot recommend it enough. I posted a review on this story before, but when everything crashed, it was lost. Please write more, let Samantha's voice drag her into the depths of degradation and humiliation she so disparately craves and needs. (9/10)

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