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The Ludi Frenum Author: Daasii
(Added on Dec 17, 2009) (This month 49217 readers) (Total 50247 readers)

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 1
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: saxman66 (Edit) Rating: Mar 16, 2011

Interesting story, and I'm curious to know what Mitchell's up to. Even if he's telling the truth about the winner getting away and getting $60,000 that doesn't say anything about what happens to the losers.
Could be anything from a way of seeking to train/recruit potential intelligence agents, via a very wealthy man's rather twisted games to the standard slave taking operation. The fact he has selected some very talented people and found out so much about them sounds like something special in mind.
I doubt that all the candidates would be so reckless as to take on the mission without some safeguard about getting out OK. Or be so incurious about what the competition is before committing to it, especially when they see the Colosseum. Their all smart girls and should have some caution even through they want the money.
One other point that occurs to me is if they might realise that they all lose unless they all win. I.e. that it will need the skills of several/all of them to complete the course. That would fit in with their wide range of personal skills as it sounds like the core of a potentially formidable team.
Can't really tell more because we need to know more about the story. Although since the only post is from Dec 09 it rather suggests there's going to be no more. Scoring it a 7 but might be tempting to go higher if I knew more as it sounds interesting.

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