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Two new pretty things for Mistresses. Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl. Author: slavegirlemily
(Added on Dec 29, 2009) (This month 55053 readers) (Total 67343 readers)
A pampered model courtesan finds out the cost of her beauty & its consequences. As she visits one of her Mistresses Spa resorts

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: May 27, 2010
This reader found the way this story appears rather off putting but understands, from reading your comments, that this is a glitch in cross formatting. being English dryhill had no problems with the grammatical structure.
dryhill found the story rather to unbelieveable for its liking (hence the 8) and while you set the piece in the future it is probably to near in time and perhaps have been set near the end of the century. Quite a few films set the story in the next millenium (ie the one we are now in) and now we have got there the film is totally unrealistic - 2001 A Space Odessey for example.
Anyway this was a well told story with good characterization, this reader looks forward to reading your other stories. (8/10)

Reviewer: slavegirlemily (Edit) Rating: Jan 5, 2010
sorry about the formatting, i suppose that will teach me to try and format the stories for html beforehand they looked fine editing in word. if you want to read the originals, well on my blog that is go to &
and sorry about the & i quite like them though
as for being a native speaker i guess my gorean to english translator is broken again i must get Master to fix it.
I am British & this is how i type English, sorry
slavegirlemily (5/10)
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Jan 5, 2010)
First off, there's a reply button underneath the comments...
Secondly, I'm from Belgium and know the differences between the British English and the American English. What you write is "Emily-English" so it's not an excuse.
It's like taking your car and crashing into things all the time and then saying, "well, it's how I drive"... Bull. Learn how to drive... :-)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2010
"Two New Pretty Things..." is a very well written, highly erotic story, which stands-out this little extra because of the chosen angle.
What had me grumbling all through the story though, is the use of "&" instead of "and". Abrevviations like that should never be used, except in company names or steno, so get rid of 'em.
Secondly, the formatting seems to have gone wrong again. Usually a streak of the site itself and nothing to do with the author, but still.
Furthermore, a lot of punctuation marks seem to have gone on holiday, or are in the wrong place. Some of them are in the right place, but are the wrong punctuation marks...
A good thing that the content is so well done and thus highly enjoyable; elst this might have gotten a meager five.
But slavegirlemily is a good writer, no doubt about it. She just musn't forget to polish her writings to a shine that makes the difference between 'very good' and 'excellent'...
JJ (9/10)
Replied by: slavegirlemily (Edit) (Jan 6, 2010)
hey jimmy no need to get so defensive. i was only trying to be friendly and give you a link to a more readable online version of my story. and my comments were meant for all 4 of my stories and reviews. i just pasted quickly after the server outage last year, wiped out my other replies and stuff. once again i was only trying to be friendle and humorous so please dont feel offended. & if you still do sorry but..........
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Jan 8, 2010)
I've PM'd you...

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