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The Nearly-adventures of Ariel Emms, d.i.t. Author: ariel emms
(Added on Dec 31, 2009) (This month 51170 readers) (Total 53489 readers)
ok, so this is a bit different, and if you are looking for explicit sex - or implicit sex, for that matter - it's not really here. but some people here do like my stories, i know, about me and my friends in second life, and a lot of people seem to think this is my best story. i'm very much a submissive, and also kind of incompetent sometimes, but this is about me trying to become a domme. it's bondage humour, really, i hope you like it.

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Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jun 24, 2010
I somehow overlooked this tiny short from Her Cuteness in person.
If there ever has been a doubt that Ariel Emms is cute, this, her nearly adventures prove my point.
Not only is she cute, she is also in the possession of a bubbly personality with a sense of humor the size of Central Africa and a wit and intelligence to boot. And to make it perfect, the goil is very level-headed as well. Enough so to not take too seriously one's self and some of the situations one encounters...
Hey, but what about the story? Well, the summation of Ariel's personality (or the parts that I surmise) perfectly reflect what's written in this short.
Heartwarming this is.
JJ (10/10)
Replied by: ariel emms (Edit) (Jun 24, 2010)
Jimmy, i feel like i should offer to bear your children or something, you are just always so nice! oh, and i only saw today the private message you sent me ages ago, sorry for never replying!

Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Jun 17, 2010
This could make a good tv sitcom "The Hopeless Mistress", the trouble is i would being sueing someone for slipping a disk (or something) due to being doubled up with laughter.
Great little story, very funny. (10/10)

Reviewer: monica_snatch (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2010
The author understates this work when she describes it as BDSM humour. It is not. It is extremely wonderful bondage humour!
It grabbed me from the first paragraph and by the end I wanted to read the promised sequel/next installment, and I wanted to read it right then!
This story is a must read for anyone, whether in the lifestyle or not, if for no other reason than you're having a bad day and need something to brighten up your life and put the smile back on your face!
Kudos to you ariel, a wonderfully light hearted tale, well written, with the perfect amount of self depracating homour tossed in. (10/10)

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