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The Servant's Story Author: Dorothy Strangelove
(Added on Apr 4, 2010) (This month 51073 readers) (Total 59986 readers)
A couple play a nice Master and Servant game together. Its about the simple joys of obedience and servitude and its one I wrote for all the subs out there - enjoy.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Lowest Rating: (10/10)

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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Apr 7, 2010
i am in total agreement with JimmyJump, of the April 4 stories i have read so far i have not given a rating above 5. Added to the poor rating, every time i have mentioned not being original or having any charaterization. Yet the same could be said about this story, but somehow Dorothy Strangelove captures the reader and takes them into Her world.
All i can say is i wish i was the girl in this story.
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Apr 9, 2010)
Thanks for such apositive review, yes it is asimple story but as I said previously, I wanted to illustrate the mind and motivations of a sub, also loving and adoring and looking up to a partner is only a short step away from getting down to floor level and making the magical move of creating an act of worship, whichcan take love to a whole new level and that is what this story is about, two people who have taken that step further and found out how much they love to be the controller and the controlled, but with love very much in the essence of it. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for your review.

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2010
Writing is an odd thing, really. While the words that make-up a story need a structured set-up about the how and why, those words and that how and why are less important than the mood they should create. Because, let's be honest, writing is all about capturing a certain atmosphere and trying to convey that atmosphere to the reader by means of a descriptive text.
And that's where a lot of writers fail. In capturing the mood.
Dorothy Strangelove is rather good in capturing and conveying. Moods, that is. "The Servant's Story" is another fine example of that. It's like La Strangelove's characters aren't part of a certain scene, but instead make their surroundings happen just by being part of those surroundings, like the world comes to life only because the characters step inside it. Which as a result gives the reader, or at least me, the feeling that the characters are comfortable in their world, whatever happens with/to them. Must be because, first of all, Dorothy Strangelove is comfortable with what she writes, and secondly, because she's good at writing --being able to set the mood in short, simple lines, without overly elaborating, resulting in being able to be meticulous without spelling out all the details.
"The Servant's Story" is yet another 'simple' romance. A story like there's so many out there. With one, major difference, and that's that "The Servant's Story" is written by Dorothy Strangelove. Which again shows that you don't need to come up with a revised edition of Einstein's Relativity Theory to make for an interesting read. Nor that you need to come up with 5000-Pound Sterling words to pretend you're an author. Dorothy is one. She's just proven it once more.
A simple story, yes. But a beautiful, touching one. And very well written.
JJ (10/10)
Replied by: dorothystrangelove (Edit) (Apr 9, 2010)
Thankyou foryour review, I wanted to write a piece about the essence of what 'captures' the magic of the act of submission ad what the submissive gets out of it, through her thoughts and emotions, thats why I wanted it to be a simple romance - because there is room for romance and tenderness within bondage, many submissives are also romantic and love is often a big motivator when it comes to role play as well as sexual desire and I wanted to write something that illustrated that, how she loves to be in his power and appreciates it from a sexual as well as a romantic view, and illustrates how the roleplay comes into it as well. Thankyou for such a great review.

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