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Morgan's Creek Author: 4Nick8
(Added on Mar 20, 2002) (This month 75887 readers) (Total 118901 readers)
This as an ongoing story about the slavery trade during the American Civil War. The Morgan family are plantation owners, and the virtual uncrowned rulers of the nearby township of Morgan's Creek. When a renegade force of 'Buffalo Soldiers' gatecrash the Morgan's charity ball, the nightmare for the whole Morgan family begins...

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Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (4.5/10)
Average Rating: (4/10)
Highest Rating: (4/10)
Lowest Rating: (4/10)

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Reviewer: mickydoughty (Edit) Rating: May 2, 2002
02/04/02 - thought I would keep an eye on this story and see if it develops further. I was wrong, its still slow, the chapters are still brief snippets of ideas. The content codes far surpass what is written up to know. If there is more why not release it, and the reader may want to come back for more. at the moment I keep coming back to see if you have proved me wrong and produced a reasonable story. I'm still right - sorry, but I had to say it.
I must agree with hypen666, it is frustrating to see snippets and then not have it described how its going to develop. Other stories on this site have opened just with a snippet, but you can see where they are going and it makes you visit again and again. However, after reading the first chapter (or should i say opening few paragraphs- as by no means is it a chapter) I can't see where this story is going. The story needs more description of your characters, and the actaul plot. It is rather clumsy and needs developing. This could be a great saga, but again have to agree with previous comment that we need more in each instalment to keep us wanting more, have a look at some of the other stories, for examples.<br>Also why all the codes if there isn't more posted? (4/10)

Reviewer: hyphen666 (Edit) Rating: Apr 28, 2002
This is a rant, not a review, but someone has to say it. It is utterly frustrating to see snippets posted purporting to be something that they are not. If this is all you have, your synopsis is totally bogus. On the other hand if you have some significant fraction done, why haven't you posted it? If you think this claptrap is going to make me look forward to reading the next installment, you have lost your mind. So what you see is what you get for this trash.<br>Now that a few more chapters have been added, it is time to reevaluate this v e r y s l o w l y developing story. It still leaves a great deal to be desired before the synopsis and the story coincide, so I have left room for improvement. (4/10)

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