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The Videographer and the Lawyer's Wife Author: Tappy McWidestance
(Added on May 29, 2010) (This month 53488 readers) (Total 65805 readers)
A videographer gets more than he bargained for when he is hired by RJS Law to produce a recruitment video.

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Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: wild77er (Edit) Rating: Feb 13, 2012
Great story would love to read the second part you hinted at in the conclusion... Keep up the great writing PLEASE
A fan

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 7, 2010
Very nice story. Well written too, bar a few skippings and silly spelling slip-ups.
One of those 'skippings' is the rather vague phone conversation to make the so-called 'masturbation' video.
First of all, when a women tells someone she wants to have a video made from herself --even when it's for her soon-to-be to take with him on long and boring voyages (yeah, right)-- surmising she's gonna grab her beaver by its teeth seems a huge leap.
But nevertheless, the wishful thinking of the video-dude comes true. And he doesn't even flinch. Everyday business I guess. Time I sart a small video company then. Catch me some eager beavers too. With my luck I'll probably end up down the Nile munching some papyrus trees to make a dam.
An example of a silly spelling mistake is when our video dude wants to wipe-out his dick. Odd thing to do when confronted with some pink.
Some metaphores had me wondering as well. "Going to town on her clit and pussy" you say? Must hurt like hell. But hey, nevermind, "she was a natural"...
Silly, I know, but it's these little things that have my vivid imagination going off-track and bouncing round the room like a magic rubber ball. Okay, that's me, but there's quite a few descriptions which are just this little bit off, giving the whole thing this air of relaxed casualness, while instead the story should be building some kind of tension.
Furthermore, the premise with video-guy throwing his ethics over the hedgerow at the blink of Tammy's eyes, also seem a tad over it. True, a lot of guys think with their smaller brains when confronted with a nice piece of arse, but camera dude doesn't seem to be the dumb kind. At least, not to the extent of giving in on an incentive as thin as Stephanie needing to be taken down a couple of pegs just because she presumably is a bitch around the office. Nice secretary and some prospective legs-up or not. Considering that Tammy-dear calls video-dude a 'scumbag' after just 5 seconds of 'conversation' gives an impression of tammy herself not being completely without knowledge of how to get all bitched up. At that point, I myself for sure would slam the door in her pretty face and walk off whisteling a merry tune.
On the other hand, it's fiction. Besides, I've seen guys do far weirder stuff for a roll in the hay. But to me, it's a question of principles. Work ethic and all that. The prospect of a possible "you'll never work in this town/country/universe again" treatment after things go wrong. Because things *will* go wrong when getting involved in this kind of situation.
But I digress. Like I said, it's fiction, so I'll dance along to Tappy's tune.
And a fine tune it is, my grudges notwithstanding.
Tappy luckily never goes over the top too much, which makes this an excellent read.
No max score however, because I feel there's too much convenient twists and angles. It makes for a fluent read, sure, but it gives "The Videographer..." too much of a shallow quality.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: Jake Olive (Edit) Rating: May 31, 2010
Well written story, it was a pleasure to read. Great work, keep them comming! Too long between stories. (9/10)

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