Delightful deliveries
Author: SG
(Added on Jun 21, 2010)
(This month 53684 readers) (Total 59847 readers) |
A new comer to bondage lets explores her first fantasy. |
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Average (?): (5.5/10) |
Rating: (6/10) |
Rating: (6/10) |
Rating: (6/10) |
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Rating: |
Jun 22, 2010 |
Too casual and too rushed with too much (smallish) inconsistencies/inaccuracies. The girl 'just' got her first pair of handcuffs, but a paragraph down she has them for two weeks. At the end of the first paragraph, without having written anything downright extraordinarily amazing, the girl nevertheless feels pretty amazing writing sweet nothings. The rest of the story is okay, apart from our heroine being a tad on the careless side. Besides, anybody who's amazed and overjoyed (a state which seems to be permanent for our goil) a whole page has been printed after a ten minute stroll around the block, shouldn't be trusted around computers, let alone self-bondage. Still, I'm curious as where all this is gonna lead. JJ (6/10)