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Dawn's CROSS Country Author: Faibhar
(Added on Apr 1, 2002) (This month 51490 readers) (Total 71294 readers)
A select group plans a macabre picnic on the Marin headlands with Dawn as the unreluctant star feature. A combination of modern day and ancient times drives the group's sadistic plans.

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Weighed Average (?): (5.5/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (6/10)
Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: jamiesonk (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2002
While I have enjoyed Faibhar's historic story the most, I have been reading the Dawn series with great appreciation. This has been a deliciously light story by the author better known for heavier treatment of his victims. I would have rated the earlier episodes 8 or 9 - they vividly depicted the realistic adventure of a young woman into the S&M world. However, the current episode took too sudden a turn. It makes one wonder whether a few episodes are missing. They are needed to show how Dawn gradually gets trapped in this slippery slope of no return, until she willingly submits to the sacrifice of her life to the satisfaction of Suzanne's fantasy. Alternately, Dawn could find out about the conspiracy more suddenly and was unwilling to submit. She would then fight hard & make a real attempt to escape. A lot more than the single "warrior woman" are then required to hunt her down & subdue her - and I am sure the readers will be very interested to read about Dawn's struggle. This piece still retains the finesse in writing style characteristic of Faibhar. I particularly like the last paragraph wrapping up Dawn's fate. Unfortunately, the sudden change in tone makes the outcome of Dawn's fate much less "realistic", thus reducing the value of the final product. (6/10)
Replied by: Faibhar (Edit) (May 8, 2002)
Dear J,
Point well taken on the "Dawn" series. One can't pretend to dot all of the "i's" and cross all of the "t's" to complete the fullness of every tale, but attempts are made.
Suffice to say, it is gratifying to this writer that the characters seem to have some life for your discerning readership.

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