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XXX Author: J Lewis
(Added on Oct 11, 2010) (This month 70156 readers) (Total 81921 readers)
A story of intrigue, kidnapping, with lots of sex and torture with plenty of twists, turns, as a private eye, circa mid 1950's becomes an enforcer for one special client.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Oct 11, 2010
First off, I want to thank J lewis for the thanks, hoping J won't thank me back, because then I would have to pay my respect in turn which will make J Lewis return the favor to which I, noblesse oblige, will have to respond also, and before you know it we'll need help from a third party to shoehorn us out of the loop we manoeuvred ourselves into.
"XXX" seems to have a kin in those dime-a-piece gumshoe stories you could buy in any self-respecting railway station, sitting next to Ivanov's or Hopalong Cassidy, in a time when I was still but a sperm in one of my father's nuts --a nutcase, so to speak.
"Triple X" is the kind of story you have to read with an elbow on an imaginary counter at a shady bar, dressed in a worn three-piece suit, Fedora pushed back from a sweaty brow while gazing at the twinkling of the ice in your Four Roses bourbon. Something like that. Best also produce your best imitation of James Garner's voice for the reading. Or better, Elliot Gould. The latter having less of a drawl.
But after these comparisons, I also must mention Richard Burton as a candidate for the voice-over. Because, although we're dealing with some gumshoe-ism, we're not talking Spillane here. Nope. Too sophisticated. No shady bar, but an upscale joint in shades.
Besides, and although Spillane gave some serious winks at sex in his time, he'd probably jump out of the window of whatever floor he was on when coming across *this* kind of sex. Then again, we were never formally informed of what went on in his basement, now were we.
Must also say that J Lewis does his best to add some language that was used in the fifties. But it doesn't always fit. Seems like J already had a text and afterwards crossed some words to replace 'em with 50-ies slang, make some sentences curse with themselves. Or the slang with the sentence it is in. Funny enough, what we now see as slang from that era is basically a language that was invented for TV and movies. To not upset the general public. Forgoing the fact that it is the general public who is using the street-talk in the first place.
But the further you get into the story, the better things fit. Maybe because you also need to settle with the style of writing, which once again derives a tad from what we're used to from J Lewis. Also maybe because of the first person view we are being presented with.
A few twists along the line too. More than a few. Enough to pave a nice road alongside the Grand Canyon. At least one alongside daring Darla and darling Darlene's Canyon.
"XXX" is a good story with a nice intrigue. Not as riveting as some of J Lewis' stories, because of the slower pace. The pace gives you time to better consume what's going on, to let it sink.
J Lewis seems to sometimes write scenarios for movies Russ Meyer never made. At least, not for the grand public. And without Meyer's over-the-top-ness. But the boobs are pretty similar. Spilling not over, but out of their tops.
Russ Meyer in a Fu-Manchu mood, lost in a medieval dungeon while being chased by Spillane's impressario, that about sums it up, I guess.
Congratulations on number thirty, J. And on the fact that there's no sign yet of tear 'n' wear...
Replied by tjlewis132 (Jul 26, 2010)
JJ... Isn't it appropriate that my very first reply after all of thirty tales goes to the most prolific reviewer on the site? Conceding to your wishes, I guess it wouldn't be apposite for me then to flat out thank you for the time and thought put into this review, or then, with your multitude of reviews that's graced my small group of ramblings in the past. But, on the other hand, duly note, I hold them all in high regards... So then, with high regards... J LEWIS (9/10)

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